LEGO® The Incredibles – Above Parr - Story Mode Walkthrough - Magic Game World

LEGO® The Incredibles – Above Parr – Story Mode Walkthrough

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Enemies: Nomanisan Island Guard, Security Drone


Starting Characters: Violet, Dash


Added Characters: Elastigirl


True Super: 250,000


1. Simply avoid the plane parts and collect the studs.


2. You need to collect 3 Incredibricks. Swim to the platform on the left, then destroy the glowing box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to open the cage. The Incredibrick will sink underwater. Use Violet to dive down and collect it, then swim to the fuselage in the back. Stretch through the vent, then punch the box to knock down a ladder, allowing Violet to use the technology panel to open the door. Collect the second Incredibrick, then head back out to the water. Destroy the glowing box on a platform to the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ball socket, then place Dash in Violet’s force field and use the ball socket to move the sail boat. Hop onto it and use the stretch point, allowing you to climb up to the final Incredibrick. Complete the family build to build a ramp. Turn Elastigirl into a raft, then jump the ramp.


3. Use Violet’s force field to pass through the lasers, then pull the lever to shut them off. Destroy the two purple flowers, then destroy the glowing rubble to reveal a multi-build. Build the left object to build a ball socket, then use Violet and Dash to raise up the lift. Use the stretch point to create a ladder, then climb up. Destroy the third flower, then collect the purple LEGO pieces and assemble them into part of a track. Build the right multi-build object to complete the track, then use the Dash pad to run up, creating a ladder. Climb up, then continue to the right. Swing across the gap, then use the stretch point to create a bridge, allowing Violet and Dash to join you. Continue to the right and pass through the lasers, then pull the lever to shut them off. Stretch through the vent, then pull the lever to open up the room. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wheel, then run on it to reveal a lift. Hop on, then head to the left. Turn Elastigirl into a raft, then head underneath the waterfall. Pass through the lasers, then pull the lever to shut them off. Destroy the monorail supports to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an Elastigirl panel, then use it.


4. Simply run around, avoiding the pursuing drones and collecting studs.


5. More running and dodging.


Unlocked Characters: Edna Mode


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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