Lethal League Blaze Cheats - Magic Game World

Lethal League Blaze Cheats

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Big Head Mode

In character select, select Sonata, Candyman, Switch, Raptor, Random, Random, Random. This enables Big Head Mode for offline games. You can then select any character you want. Repeating the sequence multiple times increases the effect.



Small Head Mode

In character select, select Random, Random, Random, Raptor, Switch, Candyman, Sonata. This enables Small Head Mode for offline games. You can then select any character you want. Repeating the sequence multiple times increases the effect.




Unlocking Secret Skins


– Ballhead (Raptor’s 1st variant of the different model)

= Unlocked by completing every Story mission with every character.


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Clear Arcade with every character.


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This also unlocks the achievement Full House.






– Workbot Frame (Switch’s 1st variant of the different model)

= Unlocked by completing Switch story mission “The Mayfly” without losing a stock.


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Old Workbot Frame

Requires unlocking Workbot Frame.

Clear Arcade with Switch without using continues.


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Strait jacket

Clear Arcade with Candyman.


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Strait jacket Alert

Requires Straight Jacket to be unlocked AND purchased first.

Using Restarts may prevent unlocking.

Clear Orange 1: Tests of Story Mode without being scored upon.


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– Zoot Suit (Sonata 1st variant of the different model)

= Unlocked after completing the Grid/Sonata mission “Getting Up”.


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Zoot Suit Deluxe

Reach maximum Spark capacity of 9,999.


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L.2 Full Mecha

Clear Green 1: The Offer of Story Mode with unknown specifics.

Note: It is not clearing without losing a stock.


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L.2 Full Mecha B

Clear Arcade with Latch without using continues.








– Domino The Cursed (Dice 1st variant of the different model)

= Unlocked by going to Dice in a character select screen for any standard mode and cycling through the skins you have unlocked for him very fast. Just mash your mouse or button on controller and he will be unlocked.


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Domino The Blessed

Unlock all of Dice’s other skins/costumes.


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– Safety Weapon (Doombox 1st variant of the different model)

= Unlocked after completing the story mode for the first time and defeating Safety Weapon Doombox.






Dark Safety Weapon

Reach 1,000,000 u/s ball speed outside of Training.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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