Lords of the Fallen: How to Change the Language - Magic Game World

Lords of the Fallen: How to Change the Language

Lords of the Fallen: How to Change the Language

If you’re trying to switch up the language, maybe ’cause English ain’t your jam or you just wanna see what those demons are saying in another tongue, I got you covered; let’s break it down, step by step.


  • Jump In: First things first, fire up Lords of the Fallen. You should be looking straight at the main menu. We good? Awesome…


  • Into the Settings: Spot the “Settings” option? Click on that; that’s where we’re heading.


  • Navigate to Gameplay: Now, don’t get too click-happy. Navigate over to the “Gameplay” tab. That’s our destination.


  • Hunting Down Language: Here’s the deal – you gotta do a bit of scrolling. Not too much just a bit… Look out for “Language”; it’s in there, promise.


  • Make the Switch: Aight, so once you’re looking at the language section, it probably says ‘default’ or whatever language it started in. But we’re here to switch it up! You’ll see some left and right arrows. Tap those to shuffle through the languages until you find the one that you’re vibing with.


  • Seal the Deal: Found your language? Cool… Let’s lock that in. On an Xbox controller, it’s all about the ‘Y’ button. If you’re on a PlayStation, hit that triangle. And for the PC crowd, tap the ‘F’ key.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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