Lorelai - Make Him Drink Again Achievement Guide - Magic Game World

Lorelai – Make Him Drink Again Achievement Guide

Lorelai - Make Him Drink Again Achievement Guide

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Make Him Drink Again Achievement

Your goal is to make Al a drinker. You need to spoil his mood with these actions:


  • Open the cage, open the window, and break the bottle so the bird flies away.


  • Go to the kitchen, open the fridge and spoil the food.


  • At the alcoholics group support meeting, tell Al that he’s not like the others and that he does not belong here.


  • At the shop, drop the wine bottle, and then tell Al to accept the other one as a gift.


  • Again in Al’s apartment, take the batteries at the kitchen, put them into the radio and turn it on.


  • When Maria locks Al, summon the rain and tell Al to take a bottle.


  • After Al falls asleep in the bath, go into his dream and add a shark to it.


  • At the 2nd group support meeting, make Al tell the woman that she’s a terrible mother.


  • When Al watches TV, switch the channels until you find a beer advertisement, and wait.


  • When a postman arrives, switch the addresses stickers.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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