Madden NFL 22 – How to Intercept Passes - Magic Game World

Madden NFL 22 – How to Intercept Passes


How to Intercept Passes

To do so, press Y on the Xbox or Triangle on the PlayStation. However, make sure that you are standing directly in front of the receiver before starting. There can be moments when the receiver beats you to certain types of throws or is taller than you, but in general, this is what you should do.


You can always press and hold L2/LT to reach the receiver if you aren’t in a position to cover it. The following is a rundown of everything you’ll need to perform to intercept a pass successfully:


Try to anticipate where the quarterback will deliver the ball and respond promptly. After that, change to the defender who is covering the receiver by pressing O on the PS4 or B on the Xbox One. If necessary, attempt to catch up to the defender from there. It’s worth noting that certain passes have the ball hanging in the air for an excessive amount of time; these should allow you plenty of time to be in position.


To intercept the pass, press Triangle on the PS4 once you’re close to the receiver. You may also block the pass by pressing Square on the PS4 or X on the Xbox One. Additionally, you can always rely on AI to perform the heavy work for you by pressing L1 on PS4 and LB on Xbox One.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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