Madden NFL 25 PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Madden NFL 25 PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Madden NFL 25 PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Hey there, football fans and armchair coaches! Are you eager to boost your Madden NFL 25 game? Here at Magic Game World, we always aim to give you full control lists for new games. This time, we’re zeroing in on Madden 25. Our handy guide will give you all the keyboard controls and key setups you need to beat your rivals on PC. We know keyboard warriors will dig this guide…



Pre-Play Offense

Momentum Factors/X-Factors Vision: R-Mouse Button or L-Shift (Hold) – See the impact of momentum and X-Factors.


Snap Ball: I-Mouse Button or Space – Start the play by snapping the ball.


Show Play Art: L-Ctrl (Hold) – Reveal the play art to see your play setup.


Pre-Play Menu: Tab – Open the pre-play menu to adjust settings.


Call Timeout: T – Call a timeout to stop the clock and make changes.



Advanced Pre-Play Offense

Audible: A – Change your play at the line of scrimmage.


Hot Route: H – Adjust the routes of your receivers.


Pass Protection: P – Set up your offensive line to protect the quarterback.


Fake Snap: Alt – Fake a snap to try and draw the defense offside.


Switch Player: Mid-Mouse Button or F – Switch to another player on offense.


Select Player: Mid-Mouse Button or F + Arrows – Choose a specific player to control.


Player Lock: Z – Lock onto a specific player for targeted control.


Motion Player: Arrow Left/Right – Move a player left or right before the snap.


Flip Run: Arrow Left/Right – Change the direction of your running play.


Quiet Crowd: Q – Mute the crowd noise to focus better.


Zoom Camera In/Out: Mouse Wheel or Page Up/Down – Zoom the camera for a better view of the field.




Player Movement: Mouse Movement or Arrows – Move your player around the field.


Show Play Art/Scramble: R-Mouse Button or L-Shift (Hold) – View the play art or scramble with the quarterback.


Pass to Receiver: Q, E, R, F, Space – Throw the ball to a receiver.


Throw Ball Away: X – Get rid of the ball to avoid a sack.



Advanced Passing

Lob Pass: Pass Key (Tap) – Throw a high-arching pass.


Bullet Pass: Pass Key (Hold) – Throw a fast, straight pass.


Touch Pass: Pass Key (Press and Release) – Make a soft pass for better accuracy.


High Pass: Mid-Mouse Button or Alt (Hold) – Throw a pass higher to avoid defenders.


Low Pass: L-Mouse Button or L-Ctrl (Hold) – Throw a pass lower to avoid high defenders.


Pump Fake: Pass Key (Double Tap) – Fake a pass to throw off the defense.


Pass Leading (After Pass): Mouse Movement or Arrows – Lead the pass to where your receiver is going.


Playmaker Closest Receiver: W/A/S/D – Direct the closest receiver to adjust their route.



Ball in Air

Player Movement: Mouse Movement or Arrows – Move your player while the ball is in the air.


Sprint: R-Mouse Button or L-Shift (Hold) – Sprint to get to the ball or cover ground.


Switch Player: Mid-Mouse Button or F – Switch to another player to make a play.


Defensive Assist: Alt (Hold) – Help with defensive plays.



Advanced Ball In Air

Strafe: L-Mouse Button or L-Ctrl (Hold) – Move side to side to adjust your position.


RAC Catch (Offense): Q – Attempt a catch on the run.


Swat Ball (Defense): Q – Deflect the ball to prevent a catch.


Possession Catch (Offense): E – Secure the ball with a possession catch.


Play Receiver (Defense): E – Play the receiver to disrupt the catch.


Aggressive Catch (Offense): R – Go for a tough catch aggressively.


Ball Hawk (Defense): R – Play aggressively to intercept the ball.



Player Locked Receivers

Player Movement: Mouse Movement or Arrows – Move your player while locked onto a receiver.


Individual Play-Art: L-Ctrl – Show play art for the specific receiver.


Player Lock: Z – Lock onto a receiver to control their route.


Just-Go Release: R-Mouse Button or L-Shift (Hold) – Release the receiver to start their route.



Advanced Player Locked Receiver

Footfire Release: Q + Arrows – Quickly change the receiver’s route.


Conservative Change-Up Release: E – Make a more controlled route adjustment.


Cut Out of Press: A or D – Cut out of a press coverage to get open.


Cut Moves While Route-Running: Space + Movement – Make quick cuts while running your route.


Call for Ball: E – Signal to the quarterback that you’re open for a pass.




Player Movement: Mouse Movement or Arrows – Move your player while running the ball.


Sprint: R-Mouse Button or L-Shift (Hold) – Sprint to gain extra speed.


Juke Left/Dead Leg/Juke Right: A/S/D – Perform juke moves to dodge defenders.


Protect Ball: Space (Hold) – Secure the ball to avoid fumbles.



Advanced Ballcarrier

Slide (QB)/Give Up/Dive (Hold): Q – Slide or dive to avoid tackles or gain extra yards.


Truck: W – Push through defenders with power.


Stiff Arm: E – Push off defenders with a stiff arm.


Hurdle: R – Leap over defenders to avoid being tackled.


Spin: F – Perform a spin move to evade tacklers.


Pitch Ball: Alt – Toss the ball to a teammate.


Celebration Loco: L-Mouse Button or L-Ctrl (Hold) – Celebrate a big play.


Hurdle: Mouse Movement + R – Combine mouse movement with the hurdle for precision.



Blocking Mechanics

Player Movement: Mouse Movement or Arrows – Move your player while blocking.


Switch Player: Mid-Mouse Button or F – Switch to a different blocker.


Player Lock: Z – Lock onto a specific player to block.



Advanced Blocking

Aggressive Impact Block: W – Block with a powerful impact.


Aggressive Cut Block: S – Block aggressively to cut off defenders.




Pre-Play Defense

Momentum Factors/X-Factors Vision: R-Mouse Button or L-Shift (Hold) – See how momentum and X-Factors are affecting the game.


Show Play Art: L-Ctrl (Hold) – View the defensive play art.


Pre-Play Menu: Tab – Open the defensive pre-play menu.


Call Timeout: T – Stop the clock to make adjustments.


Switch Player: Mid-Mouse Button or F – Change to a different defender.



Advanced Pre-Play Defense

Select Player: Mid-Mouse Button or F + Arrows – Choose a specific defender to control.


Audible: A – Change your defensive play before the snap.


Individual Adjustment: I – Adjust individual defenders’ assignments.


Defensive Line Shift: HOME or L – Shift the defensive line for better positioning.


Linebacker Audible: END – Adjust linebacker positioning.


Coverage Audibles: C – Change your defensive coverage.


Defensive Keys: P – Set defensive keys to counter the offense.


Zoom Camera In/Out: Mouse Wheel or Page Up/Down – Adjust the camera view.



Defensive Coverage Mechanics

Player Movement: Mouse Movement or Arrows – Move your player to cover receivers.


Switch Player: Mid-Mouse Button or F – Change to another defender.


Player Lock: Z – Lock onto a specific offensive player.



Advanced Defensive Coverage

Strafe: L-Mouse Button or L-Ctrl (Hold) – Move side to side to stay with your coverage.


Press/Chuck Receiver: E – Press or disrupt the receiver to throw off their route.


Defensive Assist: Alt (Hold) – Provide additional defensive support.



Defense Pursuit

Player Movement: Mouse Movement or Arrows – Move your player while pursuing the ball carrier.


Sprint: R-Mouse Button or L-Shift (Hold) – Sprint to catch up with the ball carrier.


Switch Player: Mid-Mouse Button or F – Change to a different defender in pursuit.


Defense Assist: Alt (Hold) – Assist in tackling the ball carrier.



Advanced Defensive Pursuit

Strafe: L-Mouse Button or L-Ctrl (Hold) – Move side to side to adjust your pursuit.


Dive Tackle: Q – Perform a dive tackle to bring down the ball carrier.


Conservative Tackle: E – Make a safer, conservative tackle.


Strip Ball: Space – Try to strip the ball from the carrier.


Hit Stick: W – Use the hit stick for a powerful tackle.


Cut Stick: S – Use the cut stick to make precise tackles.


Blitz QB Spy or Zone Defender: Z – Assign a defender to spy on the quarterback or cover a zone.



Defense Engaged

Player Movement: Mouse Movement or Arrows – Move your player while engaged with an opponent.


Switch Player: Mid-Mouse Button or F – Switch to another defender.


Speed Rush: R-Mouse Button or L-Shift – Rush the quarterback with speed.


Contain: L-Mouse Button or L-Ctrl – Contain the quarterback or ball carrier.



Advanced Defensive Engaged

Rip: W – Use the rip move to get past blockers.


Bull Rush: S – Use a bull rush to push through blockers.


Club/Swim Left: A – Use a club or swim move to the left to get past blockers.


Club/Swim Right: D – Use a club or swim move to the right to get past blockers.


Swat: R – Swat the ball away to disrupt the play.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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