Mars 2030 Achievements - Magic Game World

Mars 2030 Achievements


Settling In

You have successfully completed your mission.



Home is Where The Habitat Is

You have discovered the Habitat!



One Colossal Leap

You successfully completed the descent to Mars.



The Visitor

You have spent 5 SOLs on Mars!



Rock Collector

You have discovered all of the primary rocks!



Explorer of Mars

You have discovered and unlocked all of the fast travel discovery zones!



The Martian

You have spent 50 SOLs on Mars!



Rock Enthusiast

You have discovered all of the notable rocks!



Master of Discovery



Ares Flame

You have successfully completed all achievements in Mars 2030!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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