Maze PC Keyboard & Gamepad Controls - Magic Game World

Maze PC Keyboard & Gamepad Controls

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The control of MAZE is very simple. There are only four basic operations: Walking, Flying, Interaction and Navigation.


You can walk in the maze with the direction button (WASD or left stick).


Holding down the Fly button (Space Bar or LT, RT) allows you to fly in the maze, but flying requires a certain initial speed and energy consumption.


By holding down the Fly button and keeping walking, you can fly. If you don’t have enough speed or run out of energy, you won’t be able to fly. Avoid hitting walls, and be aware that energy leftovers will let you travel more smoothly through the maze.


Tips: The flight of MAZE has certain skills, and your subtle control will affect the flight height and steering speed. Familiarizing yourself with maze flying skills will give you some pleasure similar to racing games.


Interaction is an important operation of MAZE. Interact button is needed to activate the trigger, open the door and open the box.


Navigation can provide some hints for you maze exploration. In addition to the End Point of Adventure Mode and the Starting Point of Treasure Mode, navigation will only display discoveries within 100 meters.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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