Mesozoica PC Keyboard Controls - Magic Game World

Mesozoica PC Keyboard Controls

Mesozoica PC Keyboard Controls

Camera Controls

Controls for camera movement are as follows:


  • WASD/Arrow Keys – Control camera movement in respective directions


  • Scroll wheel – Zooms in and out


  • Right click – Grabs a specific point and moves the camera with the mouse


  • Scroll click – Pivots the camera from specific point


  • Q/E – Rotates the camera


  • T – Toggles between Tycoon camera mode and Advanced Camera Mode


Tycoon mode – Locks the camera where WASD allows you to only move on the plane you chose


Advanced Camera mode – Free movement across every plane



Building Controls

Controls for building manipulation are as follows:


  • Z – Rotates object by 90 degrees


  • Shift – Offsets the object’s height


  • CTRL + Shift – Offsets over the X and Z axis


  • CTRL + Z – Undo


  • CTRL + Y – Redo


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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