MetalMercs: Controls Guide (Keyboard & Gamepad) - Magic Game World

MetalMercs: Controls Guide (Keyboard & Gamepad)

MetalMercs: Controls Guide (Keyboard & Gamepad)

If you’re a big Fallout fan and love mechs, you should try out the new indie game, Metal Mercs. It just dropped its beta version on Steam, so now is a great time to dive into its rough, end-of-the-world setting.


Ever wanted to pilot Power Armor in Fallout? Metal Mercs makes this dream a reality, giving off major Fallout vibes with its superb pixel art. This game lets you control various powerful mechs, shooting bad guys from a cool, top-down view where your strategy counts.


We made this easy guide with the basic PC keyboard and Xbox controller settings to help you start quickly. Save it to check the controls when you need it, keeping you ready to own the battlefield. Also, check out the video below for more deets; it shows all available settings other than controls.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls & Hotkeys


Move / Scroll Menu:

  • Arrow Keys or W/A/S/D



In Menus:

  • Select/Confirm: Space


  • Cancel/Back: Esc



Outside Menus:

  • Status Screen: Space


  • Options Menu: Esc




  • Select Unit(s): Left Mouse Button


  • Move/Attack: Right Mouse Button


  • Grab Map: Middle Mouse Button


  • Zoom In/Out: Mouse Scroll or PgUp/PgDn


  • Scroll Map: Arrow Keys or W/A/S/D


  • Pause/Unpause Combat: Space


  • Game Speed: +/-



Combat Grouping

  • Select Group 1-3: 1, 2, 3


  • Assign to Group: Ctrl + 1, 2, 3


  • Next Unit: Tab



Primary Orders

  • Select Target: T


  • Hold/Engage: H/E


  • Engage Range (Close/Med/Long): C/M/L



Secondary Orders

  • Munitions Weapons Off: N


  • All Weapons Off/On: O/P


  • Jump Jets Off/On: K/J



Special Commands

  • Called Shot: X


MetalMercs: Controls Guide (Keyboard & Gamepad)



Xbox Gamepad Controls


  • Status Screen / Switch Tab: LB


  • Menu: ⏵ Menu Button


  • Move: Left Joystick


  • Move Mouse: Right Joystick


  • Click Mouse: RT


  • Back / Cancel: B


  • Select / Status Screen: A




  • Unselect: X


  • Target Mode [RT to select]: X


  • Tab to Next Selected Unit: LB


  • Scroll to Event (Pilot Chatter): RB


  • Menu: ⏵ Menu Button


  • Click Mouse: RT


  • Scroll Map: Left Joystick


  • Move Mouse: Right Joystick


  • – Range / + Range / Hold / Engage: Directional Inputs / D-Pad


  • Center on Selected Unit: Y


  • Pause Game: B


  • Move Order: A



Special Commands

  • Called Shot: LT + A


  • Quick Select (Select all units on screen): LT + RT


  • Quick Mid-Zoom: LT + X


  • Quick Max-Zoom: LT + Y


MetalMercs: Controls Guide (Keyboard & Gamepad)


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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