Metro Redux Cheats - Magic Game World

Metro Redux Cheats

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Unlock Alternate Ending:

The alternate ending which is known as the ‘Redemption’ ending can be viewed when you complete the game with a majority of good moral choices. Whenever you make a moral choice you will see a flash of light as confirmation. If by the end of the game you have not made enough moral choices you will view the ‘Cest La Vie’ ending.



Instant Victory in The Tower:

When the countdown timer starts hold LB and repeatedly press X + Y + B. If you have entered the code correctly the scientist will say ‘Well done’ and the ‘Weapon’ selection screen will appear. Note: when this code has been entered you will not receive a score.



Easy ‘Realist’ Achievement:

You can get this Achievement easily by simply declining the kid’s offer to lead you at Riga Station.



Extended Filter:

You can extend the use of your filter if you avoid jumping and sprinting.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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