Might and Magic 7: Falling and Crossing Water Mechanics Explained - Magic Game World

Might and Magic 7: Falling and Crossing Water Mechanics Explained

Might and Magic 7: Falling and Crossing Water Mechanics Explained

Falling and Slipping

Gravity has an impact on the party and monsters. Falls don’t hurt monsters, but they damage your characters. Each character loses 10 percent of their max HP for every 10 feet they drop. A 100-foot fall or higher will wipe out your whole party. To fall any distance, you can use the Feather Fall spell.


If your characters stand on a steep hill, gravity will pull them down and they’ll slide. You can slide down any surface with a slope less than 90 degrees. To do this, step onto the slope and use the arrow keys to stay close as you slide down. Be careful not to jump away from the slope; you’ll fall and might get hurt. If it’s too steep, you won’t be able to climb back up, so make sure you want to go down before you step off the edge.



Crossing Water

You can’t move when you hit the edge of a lake or river. However, you can jump across water if you run and leap from the shore. This trick is useful because it lets you cross small streams and reach islands close to land. Be careful, though. Your characters lose 10% of their max HP every few seconds they’re in water. This can kill your team if you fall in and can’t get out, so watch out. To cross water, use the Water Walk spell instead.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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