Might and Magic 7: Merchant Skill Explained - Magic Game World

Might and Magic 7: Merchant Skill Explained

Might and Magic 7: Merchant Skill Explained

The Merchant skill in Might and Magic 7 helps you save money when you buy stuff at shops. It also makes services like fixing items or learning new levels cheaper. Plus, you get more cash when you sell things to shops. In the math below, Merchant Factor is how good your character is at being a merchant, and Value is what the item or service costs. Shop Multiplier is how much a shop tries to overcharge you, and it’s different for each shop.


Remember, if your character is a grand master at being a merchant they always get the best deal so the math doesn’t matter for them. Also when you’re selling something, the price depends on how good the character who owns the item is at being a merchant.


Here’s how the Merchant Factor works;


  • Normal: Your Merchant Factor equals your skill level


  • Expert: Your Merchant Factor is double your skill level


  • Master: Merchant Factor is three times the skill level


  • Grand Master: You buy & sell stuff at its actual value



Formulas for Merchant Skill

The formula for buying an item or service is:



Buying an item or service:

Cost = ((Value × Shop Multiplier) × (100 – Merchant Factor) / 100) + 100



Selling an item to a shop:

Adjusted Cost = Value + (Shop Multiplier + 2)


Sell Price = ((Adjusted Cost × (100 – Merchant Factor) / 100) + 100)


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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