Might and Magic 7: Weapon Skills Guide - Magic Game World

Might and Magic 7: Weapon Skills Guide

Might and Magic 7: Weapon Skills Guide

Weapon Skills and What They Do

To use a specific weapon in Might and Magic 7, a character needs to know how to handle it. Different skill levels affect weapons in various ways. When a weapon skill boosts a character’s Attack bonus, they have a better chance to hit with that kind of weapon. Damage Bonuses make weapons hurt more when they connect. Recovery Bonuses cut down the time between a character’s attack and when they can do something else.


Some weapon skills let you use two weapons at once. Every time you attack with both weapons, it counts as one hit and takes as long as the slower weapon to recover. The bonuses for damage, hitting and recovery from both weapons add up so dual-weapon attacks have a good shot at landing and can hurt when they do.


If you don’t have a weapon, you fight with your hands and feet… Being good at Unarmed fighting makes you better at this. This skill works when you’re not holding a weapon. But you can still use a bow, and if you’re good with staffs (grandmaster), you can use those too…




  • Normal: Your skill level makes weapon and unarmed attacks recover faster.


  • Expert: Your skill level boosts your Attack Bonus.


  • Master: Your skill level increases your Damage.


  • Grand Master: All the perks you got before are now twice as good.




  • Normal: Your skill level makes your Attack Bonus higher.


  • Expert: Your skill level speeds up how fast you recover.


  • Master: Your skill level adds to your Damage.


  • Grand Master: You might cut your target’s Armor Class in half.




  • Normal: Your skill level makes your attack bonus better.


  • Expert: Your skill level cuts down recovery time.


  • Master: Your bow shoots two arrows each time you attack.


  • Grand Master: Your skill level adds to your Damage.




  • Normal: Your skill level improves your attack bonus.


  • Expert: You can use a dagger in your left hand (two weapons at once).


  • Master: At this level, there’s an increased probability that your attacks will deal triple damage.


  • Grand Master: Your skill level increases your Damage.




  • Normal: Your skill level gets added to your Attack Bonus.


  • Expert: Your skill level gets added to your Damage.


  • Master: Your skill level is the same as your chance to stun your target.


  • Grand Master: Your skill level is the same as your chance to paralyze your target.




  • Normal: Your skill level gets added to your Attack Bonus.


  • Expert: Your skill level gets added to your Damage.


  • Master: You can hold the spear with just one hand.


  • Grand Master: Your skill level gets added to your Armor Class.




  • Normal: Your skill level makes your attacks better.


  • Expert: Your skill level helps you defend yourself better.


  • Master: How good you are with a staff is how likely you are to stun your enemy.


  • Grand Master: You can use a staff like you’re fighting without a weapon.




  • Normal: How skilled you are adds to how well you attack.


  • Expert: Being good with a sword means you can attack again faster.


  • Master: You can hold a sword in your left hand and attack with both hands.


  • Grand Master: Your sword skills help you avoid getting hit.




  • Normal: You add your skill level to your Attack Bonus.


  • Expert: Your skill level gets added to the Damage you do.


  • Master: Your skill level doubled, boosts both your Attack Bonus and Damage.


  • Grand Master: Your skill level now matches your chance to dodge attacks coming at you.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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