Might and Magic 8: Day of the Destroyer PC Keyboard Controls - Magic Game World

Might and Magic 8: Day of the Destroyer PC Keyboard Controls

Might and Magic 8: Day of the Destroyer PC Keyboard Controls

Might and Magic 8: Day of the Destroyer is a timeless classic cRPG from New World Computing & still has a decent player base (yeah even in 2024). It gets constant updates & balance fixes from passionate modders… Might & Magic Merged is one of ’em, and it was just released like 3-4 years ago. This mod lets you play the 6th, 7th & 8th games in one and roam the entire Enroth world. All you need is the eighth game from the series (if you don’t have it you can’t install this mod).


In this quick & easy guide we’ll be sharing the original game’s default controls here as an easy reference. As you might know, there’s also a PS2 version of M&M8 (which only launched in Japan back in the day and was pretty popular there). It even had a tutorial part not included in the PC version. We’ve also included a video in this guide that walks you through the game settings, like graphics, audio, and display options… For more deets watch the video and explore the settings yourself.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls & Keybindings

  • Forward – UP


  • Backward – DOWN


  • Left – LEFT


  • Right – RIGHT


  • Yell – Y


  • Jump – X


  • Combat – RETURN


  • Cast Ready – S


  • Attack – A


  • Trigger – SPACE


  • Cast – C


  • Pass – B


  • Char Cycle – TAB


  • Quest – Q


  • Quick Ref – Z


  • Rest – R


  • History – H


  • Auto Notes – N


  • Map Book – M


  • Always Run – U


  • Look Up – PAGE_DOWN


  • Look Down – DELETE


  • Ctr View – END


  • Zoom In – ADD


  • Zoom Out – SUBTRACT


  • Fly Up – PAGE_UP


  • Fly Down – INSERT


  • Land – HOME


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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