Might and Magic 8: Dragon Abilities & Skills Guide - Magic Game World

Might and Magic 8: Dragon Abilities & Skills Guide

Might and Magic 8: Dragon Abilities & Skills Guide

Dragons in Might and Magic 8 have a significant influence on gameplay, and you can play them as characters in this 8th game. However, you unlock them at a certain point in the game; they aren’t available to choose on the character selection screen right away… Their impressive abilities give them an edge. Mastering these abilities helps a lot in challenging situations. Here’s a rundown of each ability and how to use it:




This skill scares your enemies & creatures close by making them run away.


Spell Point Cost: 5


  • Normal: Continues for 3 minutes, plus an extra minute for each skill point.


  • Expert: Continues for 5 minutes, plus an extra minute per skill point.


  • Master: Has an impact on the target and everyone nearby.


  • Grandmaster: Has an impact on all creatures within your sight.


Fear works well to disperse crowds and give you some room. When enemies surround you, use this spell to scatter them and catch your breath.



Flame Blast

This enhanced breath attack creates a massive explosion striking your target and everything in its vicinity.


Spell Point Cost: 10


  • Normal:


  • Expert: Has an impact of 10 damage points plus 1-10 points for each skill point.


  • Master: Causes 11 points of harm plus 1-11 points for each skill point.


  • Grandmaster: Inflicts 12 points of damage plus 1-12 points for each skill point.


Flame Blast packs a punch working well against enemy crowds. You can use it to clear out groups or to knock out tough opponents with a powerful hit.




This skill allows your Dragon to soar, similar to the Fly spell but with some unique benefits.


Spell Point Cost: 15


  • Normal:


  • Expert:


  • Master: Allows you to fly for 1 hour per skill point.


  • Grandmaster: Fly without using any spell points.


Flying gives you the ability to avoid ground-based attacks and move around the battlefield. It also helps you explore difficult terrains and reach areas you couldn’t access otherwise.



Wing Buffet

Wing Buffet knocks enemies backward turning them into easy targets for your next attacks.


Spell Point Cost: 30


  • Normal:


  • Expert:


  • Master:


  • Grandmaster: Effects as described.


Wing Buffet excels at breaking up enemy groups and preparing them for your next attack. You can pair it with Flame Blast to create a strong combination that clears crowds or inflicts huge damage.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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