Might and Magic 8: Ultimate Guide to Weapon and Armor Skills - Magic Game World

Might and Magic 8: Ultimate Guide to Weapon and Armor Skills

Might and Magic 8: Ultimate Guide to Weapon and Armor Skills

Weapon Mastery

A character needs the right skill to handle a specific weapon. Various skills boost their effectiveness, each in unique ways. Boosting a weapon skill raises a character’s Attack Bonus making them more likely to land a hit with that weapon. More damage is dealt with each hit when a Damage Bonus activates. Meanwhile, a Recovery Bonus speeds up how fast a character can go from one attack to the next.


Characters with certain skills can fight using two weapons at once. When they launch a dual-weapon strike, it counts as one move but the recovery time matches the slower weapon’s pace. The combined benefits of damage, attack, and recovery from both weapons increase hit probability and the potential for significant damage.


If a character isn’t wielding a weapon, they throw punches and kicks instead. Enhancing the Unarmed skill improves their fighting chops without weapons. This ability kicks in if their hands are empty. However, they can still shoot a bow or wield a staff if they are a Grandmaster in the Staff skill.


Bonuses from Armsmaster touch every attack, whether you’ve got a weapon or just using your fists. Remember, all the benefits stack. So, if you’re an expert with the bow, your skill not only boosts the Attack Bonus but also reduces Recovery time.




Normal: Skill level cuts down Recovery time for all attacks, whether you’re using a weapon or not.


Expert: Skill level adds to your Attack Bonus.


Master: Skill level boosts your Damage.


Grandmaster: All the previous bonuses are doubled.




Normal: Skill level adds to your Attack Bonus.


Expert: Skill level reduces how long it takes to recover after swinging.


Master: Skill level increases your Damage.


Grandmaster: There’s a chance to halve your target’s Armor Class.




Normal: Skill level adds to your Attack Bonus.


Expert: Skill level shortens your Recovery time.


Master: You shoot two arrows with each attack.


Grandmaster: Skill level boosts your Damage.




Normal: Skill level adds to your Attack Bonus.


Expert: You can use a dagger in your off-hand (dual-wielding).


Master: Skill level gives you a chance to deal triple Damage.


Grandmaster: Skill level boosts your Damage.




Normal: Skill level adds to your Attack Bonus.


Expert: Skill level increases your Damage.


Master: Skill level gives you a chance to stun your target.


Grandmaster: Skill level gives you a chance to paralyze your target.




Normal: Skill level adds to your Attack Bonus.


Expert: Skill level increases your Damage.


Master: You can hold the spear in one hand.


Grandmaster: Skill level boosts your Armor Class.




Normal: Skill level adds to your Attack Bonus.


Expert: Skill level boosts your Armor Class.


Master: Skill level gives you a chance to stun your target.


Grandmaster: Skill level increases your Damage.




Normal: Skill level adds to your Attack Bonus.


Expert: Skill level shortens your Recovery time.


Master: You can use the sword in your off-hand (dual-wielding).


Grandmaster: Skill level boosts your Armor Class.



Armor Skills

In Might and Magic 8 characters need the right armor skills to wear specific armor types. There are leather, chain, and plate armors for the torso, and shields for the left hand. Wearing any armor slows your recovery time after actions. But if you’re good enough, you might cut down that lag time or ditch it altogether.




Normal: Skill level adds to your Armor Class.


Expert: No more Recovery penalty.


Master: Skill level is doubled for Armor Class.


Grandmaster: Skill level boosts Earth, Air, Water, and Fire Resistances.




Normal: Skill level adds to your Armor Class.


Expert: Recovery penalty is cut in half.


Master: Recovery penalty is gone.


Grandmaster: Physical damage taken is reduced to two-thirds.




Normal: Skill level adds to your Armor Class.


Expert: Recovery penalty is cut in half.


Master: Physical damage taken is halved.


Grandmaster: Recovery penalty is gone.




Normal: Skill level adds to your Armor Class.


Expert: Recovery penalty is eliminated.


Master: Skill level is doubled for Armor Class.


Grandmaster: Provides protection similar to the Shield spell.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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