Might and Magic 8: Vampire Abilities & Skills Guide - Magic Game World

Might and Magic 8: Vampire Abilities & Skills Guide

Might and Magic 8: Vampire Abilities Guide

When you have a Vampire on your team in MM8, you’re in luck…


These powers can change the game, but they can be hard to understand. Let’s look at each one and learn how to use them best!




Lets the group float above the ground staying safe from traps, lava, water, and other harmful surfaces. Spell Point Cost: 10




Expert: Lasts 10 minutes for each skill point.


Master: Lasts 1 hour for each skill point.


Grandmaster: Lasts 3 hours for each skill point.


Levitate has a significant impact on avoiding environmental damage. This ability makes traps, lava, and other ground hazards ineffective. At times, you’ll want a Vampire in your group just to use this skill. Any adventurer who dislikes nasty surprises underfoot must have this ability…




Renders the Vampire impervious to physical attacks but unable to attack. The Vampire can still cast spells and use abilities. Spell Point Cost: 30








Grandmaster: Lasts 10 minutes for each skill point.


Mistform sounds awesome right? Your Vampire becomes untouchable! But there’s a snag—it affects the Vampire. The other members of your group are still open to attack. This makes Mistform ideal for solo missions or as a last-resort escape plan. If your team gets knocked out, your Vampire can turn into mist & head to the closest temple to bring everyone back to life. It’s a great way to get out of trouble.




Harms the target and heals the Vampire. Spell Point Cost: 5


Normal: Base damage of 3 points plus 1-3 points per skill point.


Expert: Heals 1/3 of the damage dealt faster recovery rate.


Master: Base damage of 5 points plus 1-5 points per skill point.


Grandmaster: Base damage of 7 points plus 1-7 points per skill point.


Why It’s Cool: Lifedrain gives you two benefits at once: you hurt your enemy and heal your Vampire. As your skill level increases, you inflict more damage and receive more healing. This ability helps your Vampire stay in combat while defeating enemies.




This spell enchants a few foes making them fight alongside your group. Spell Point Cost: 15






Master: Lasts 10 minutes for each skill point.


Grandmaster: Never ends.


Charm changes enemies into friends, which can shift the balance in hard fights. When you reach Master level, you get a good amount of time, but hit Grandmaster, and you’ve got lifelong pals battling for you. It’s like having more team members without the trouble!


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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