Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven - PROMOTION QUESTS Guide - Magic Game World

Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven – PROMOTION QUESTS Guide

Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven - PROMOTION QUESTS Guide

The promotion quests are quests given to you by the 6 Lords. They can range from easy like the Knight to Cavalier quest to hard like the Crusader to Hero quest. Each class has two promotion quests, and they earn lots of experience, so you might as well do the promotions for the classes you don’t have as well. They also allow you to receive more hit and spell points and train to master some skills.




1. The Knight Promotions

Knight to Cavalier: Lord Osric Temper


Talk to Chadwick Blackpoole in a tavern in Rockham, west of Free Haven and get a Cavalier nomination scroll and return to Lord Temper.


Cavalier to Champion: Lord Osric Temper


Clear out the Warlord’s Castle in the Silver Cove area and find the Discharge Papers scroll and return to Lord Temper.



2. The Cleric Promotions

Cleric to Priest: Lord Anthony Stone


Hire a Stonecutter and Carpenter and take them to repair the destroyed healing temple in Free Haven and return to Lord Stone.


Priest to High Priest: Lord Anthony Stone


Retrieve the Sacred Chalice from the monks in the Temple Of The Sun on the islands of Bootleg Bay and return to Lord Stone.



3. The Sorcerer Promotions

Sorcerer to Wizard: Lord Albert Newton in Mist


Find the Fountain of Magic and drink from it and return to Lord Newton.


Wizard to Arch-Mage: Lord Albert Newton in Mist


Find the artifact, Crystal of Terrax, in Calogen’s Estate in the Ironfist area and return to Lord Newton.



4. The Archer Promotions

Archer to Battle Mage: Lord Cedric Stromgard


Retrieve a set of keys from the Icewind Keep in the Frozen Highlands and return to Lord Stromgard.


Battle Mage to Warrior Mage: Lord Cedric Stromgard


Use the keys that you found in the first promotion quest to change all of the Dragon Towers in the land to shoot only at big objects and return to Lord Stromgard.



5. The Paladin Promotions

Paladin to Crusader: Wilbur Humphrey in Ironfist


Rescue a damsel in distress from the Silver Helm Outpost on the island of Mist and return with her to Humphrey.


Crusader to Hero: Wilbur Humphrey in Ironfist


Slay Longfang Witherhide, the dragon, in his cave behind Castle Darkmoor and return to Humphrey with his claw.



6. The Druid Promotions

Druid to Great Druid: Lady Loretta Fleise in Silver Cove


Pray at the center of the Druid Circle of Stones north of Silver Cove during an equinox or Solstice. (March 20, June 21, September 23, December 21)


Great Druid to Arch Druid: Lady Loretta Fleise in Silver Cove


Clean out the Temple of the Moon west of Free Haven and pray at the Altar of the Moon at midnight at any full moon.


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