Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven - The 7 High Council Quests - Magic Game World

Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven – The 7 High Council Quests

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Yes, there are only six members but there are 7 quests total because you must do an extra for Humphrey in Castle Ironfist.



The 7 High Council Quests

1. Castle Ironfist: Regent Wilber Humphrey

Find Lord Kilburn’s Shield in a chest near the town of Blackshire and return.



2. Castle Temper: Lord Osric Temper

Kill all the demons in Devil Outpost in Kreigspire.



3. Mist: Lord Albert Newton

Find the Hourglass Of Time in Gharik’s Forge in the New Sorpigal area.



4. Silver Cove: Loretta Fleise

Convince the 9 stables in the kingdom to charge 48 gold per pound per mile of material they transport, and report back.



5. Castle Stone: Lord Stone

Capture the Prince of Thieves in the Free Haven sewers and return with him to Castle Stone.



6. Castle Stromgard: Lord Stromgard

Find a way to end the endless winter. Visit the Hermit in Kreigspire.



7. High Counsil in Free Haven, Castle Ironfist, Superior Temple Of Baa

Go to the Superior Temple Of Baa to find a cure or an explanation for Representative Silvertongue’s refusal to admit you to the oracle.


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