Might and Magic X Legacy - Dragon Shrine Locations - Magic Game World

Might and Magic X Legacy – Dragon Shrine Locations

Might and Magic X Legacy - Dragon Shrine Locations

There are Statues located throughout the land, are part of an undocumented quest that if you pray to all the statues and pray to each statue on the correct day, you will receive a Relic as your reward. When you interact with the statue, you get a message about which day it is necessary to pray at that particular statue.


You can check the day using the sun/moon icon on the bottom right of your screen. If you are at the statue on the correct day, the message will say, “You kneel in front of the shrine and recite a prayer to … (insert the correct deity). You don’t get any message or log entry or quest. It’s up to you to keep track of which Shrines you have visited.


Pray at the shrines on the following days:


Day of the week



1 (Malda) Shrine of Malassa Near Sudgerd {142,102}
2 (Elda) Shrine of Elrath North of Sorpigal {132,48}
3 (Arda) Shrine of Arkath Desolate Wilds {28,21}
4 (Sylada) Shrine of Sylanna Yon-Chall Forest {69,79}
5 (Shalda) Shrine of Shalassa Beach near Karthal {91,10}
6 (Ylda) Shrine of Ylath Near Pao Kai Nest {10,71}
7 (Ashda) Shrine of Asha Near Elemental Forge {66,48}


To advance a day, sleep three times (8 hours each time). The days are written in the correct order, but you don’t need to pray at a shrine in the order given, with one exception – Ashda must be the last. Reward: Heavy Armor Relic.


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