Mirage: Arcane Warfare: How to Target Switch? - Magic Game World

Mirage: Arcane Warfare: How to Target Switch?


What is Target Switching?

Suddenly changing the target of your attacks to try to catch your opponents off guard.



Why Use Target Switching?

-Allows you to handle two (or more?) enemies at once and a chance to actually win the fight.


-Allows you to finish team fights faster.



How to Target Switch?

-Turn defense into offense; parry one attacker and turn to use your ripostes to attack the other player as they wind up their own attacks or before they can defend; surprise attacks vs. unprepared opponents will have a higher chance to succeed.


-Once you’ve hit the second opponent, turn back to the first and parry their next attack, and repeat; allows you to juggle two opponents.


-If the second opponent parries, wait for either of them to attack, then parry-riposte to start again.


-Feint to Parry & Combo Feint to Parry can help you keep control by interrupting your own attacks to defend yourself and possibly give you another riposte opportunity.


-Parry in Parry (PiP) can help you parry two incoming strikes immediately after one another; there is no delay between successful parries.


-If there’s a 3rd (or more opponents), use footwork or abilities to try to keep one (or more) of them behind the ones in front; they’ll be less likely to attack because their teammates are in the way, and if they do attack, they are very likely to hit a teammate.




-If you think the target you are going to switch to is ready for your attack, wait (no more than a quarter second), then turn back to the first opponent who parried; you will likely interrupt their attack with a hit or at least force them to Combo Feint to Parry and lose stamina.


-Try not to fall for any feints and avoid panic parrying; either of these will disrupt your initiative and probably get you killed quickly.


-Keep moving; do not stand still and try to maneuver to keep your opponents in your field of view as much as you can.



How to counter it?

-Keep your eyes on your target and be ready for them to turn on you.


-Don’t attack when they expect you to; if you attack as soon as you are able, the target switcher will be prepared and ready to block. You have a few options;


-Wait a half-second before you attack; they may be expecting to turn and parry immediately. By waiting, you break up the rhythm of the fight and may provoke a panic parry.


-Support Feints; if the opponent is looking at you and waiting for your attack, feint them to provoke a parry or a Combo Feint to Parry (CFtP). If they fall for it, you & your teammate will likely score a free hit each.


-Accelerated or Delayed Drags; drag your attacks to avoid contacting with their parry. Change up your attacks between fast and slow drags to try to confuse the opponent.


-Don’t be afraid to play defensively; the target switcher is often expecting aggressive attackers, particularly when they are outnumbered; by waiting, feinting, or otherwise breaking up the tempo, you can throw off the opponent.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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