Money - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Magic Game World

Money – Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Money - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

The silver imperial denar is the standard currency of Calradia. Even the most far-flung tribes know what they look like, and can usually tell if they’ve been cut with baser metals. Gold is generally too valuable to be used in transactions other than those between kingdoms or great lords. You’ll need money in the game for virtually all your basic needs -equipment, food, raising and maintaining troops – and it can also come in handy in politics and quest-solving.


There are some things that money cannot buy, but you also don’t get those things for free. For example, warriors risk their lives for pride or revenge, out of love of their homes or their commanders, status or adventure. Only the most cynical of mercenaries only care about the silver. But even the most loyal expect some payment as a token that their sacrifices are not going unnoticed. During rebellions, a few lords will switch sides for a bag of gold. But if they do decide you’d make a better king than the current one, a bag of gold can help offset the risk they’re taking on your behalf. Calradians rarely keep all their money on their person or in one place. Some of your wealth will be in your purse or traveler’s chest but much will be buried, otherwise hidden, or left with someone you trust. Some wealth will be in the form of letters of credit from merchants. In the game, it’s assumed that anyone can get access to their money at all times, but the amount that can be taken from you in any one robbery is limited.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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