MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD – Boosters - Magic Game World


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A Booster is a stake you place in the ground. It will shoot out particle effects that grant a benefit to those who stand in its area.



Health Booster

Duration: 60 Seconds


Recharge: 180 Seconds


Effect: Any hunters and palicoes standing in the area of effect will restore health at a reasonably fast rate. Monsters are not healed by this effect.


Comment: Great to use early on to save on potions, and fantastic for cooperative teamwork in multiplayer. Be wary of too many players bunching up together at once; the monster will attack the area, denying you the heal.



Cleanser Booster

Duration: 60 Seconds


Recharge: 180 Seconds


Effect: Any hunters and palicoes standing in the area of effect will have all negative status effects removed.


Unlock: Complete the optional quest “On Nightmare’s Wings.”



Affinity Booster

Duration: 60


Recharge: 180


Effect: Increases the affinity of hunters and palicoes that enter the area of effect. The effect persists for a minute after leaving the cloud as well.


Unlock: Complete all quests in the Research Base, then complete the optional quest “RRRRRRumble in the Waste!”


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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