When you encounter a new monster/new area, the game wants to introduce you with a cutscreen. – Because of this cutscreen, other players are not able to join you.
The best way to work with a friend or friends, is that you all enter quests at the same time, and then after each has seen the cutscene, you simply hit “return from quest” – This will transport you back to town.
When both yourself and who you are trying to join, have seen this cutscene, the quest will be joinable.
Timeline example:
Player 1 Enters Quest 0 mins
Player 2 Enters Quest 0 mins
Player 2 Finds boss and cutscene begins – 2mins later
Player 1 Finds boss and cutscene beings – 4mins later
Player 2 finishes cutscene, and leaves quest – 5mins later
If player 1 is still watching the cutscene, player 2 cannot join their quest. When player 1 gets the message “An SOS flare can be used” – Player 2 can then enter.
Both parties can now leave and start a quest together.