MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD – Your Post-Hunt Routine in Astera - Magic Game World

MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD – Your Post-Hunt Routine in Astera

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Your Post-Hunt Routine in Astera

Immediately as you load in after a hunt, you’ll get updates on things that may need your attention on the right side of your screen. It will tell you things such as when you have enough items to craft something in your wishlist, when your farm is full, when the Tallrider Safari has returned, when the Argosy is in town, and so on. Take note and adjust your route as necessary.



In many ways, your post-hunt routine is just your pre-hunt preparation for the next quest or expedition. This checklist can help you remember if you’re missing anything between hunts, but most of the list can be skipped if you’re in a rush. If you are unfamiliar with something in the list, continue on and it will unlock later on in the story.



  • -Check the Resource Center: turn in and accept new bounties, complete any available deliveries, check for any interesting investigations that may have appeared.


  • -Speak to Ecological Research to turn in research points.


  • -Check Botanical Research and retrieve harvested items from the box.


  • -Speak to the Elder Melder to create new decorations or hunting supplies.


  • -Check the Argosy if it’s in town to get items and resources.


  • -Pet Poogie, maybe carry it around and see what it digs up.


  • -Go into your room to and collect and dispatch the Tallrider Safari.


  • -Go to the armory, create new weapons/armor, or upgrade existing equipment.


  • -Speak to anyone with something above their head indicating they have something to say. This is sometimes tied to main story progression, and sometimes involves optional quests that give you benefits upon completion.


  • -Every once in a while, remember to travel to the Research Base and check if there are any people to talk to for additional quests.


  • -At some point in the game, you’ll unlock special assignments. These are extra content that are unrelated to the Elder Crossing main story. You can determine a special assignment by a blue exclamation point over a person’s head rather than the usual yellow one.


  • -Go to the quest board or your handler and choose a quest.


  • -While the quest is loading, go to the item box and change items and equipment appropriate to the quest you’ve just chosen. Use item sets and equipment sets to expedite the process.


  • -If the quest is still loading, go to the canteen and choose a meal appropriate for the quest.


  • -Ready up and embark on the quest. If you haven’t eaten, you can sit at the mini-canteen at any campsite.





If at any time you want to go out into the field to gather materials or hunt monsters without embarking on a quest, you can do so by leaving town and entering an expedition. You can also start an expedition directly from the map while you’re in town. While on an expedition, you have no time limits or cart limits to worry about.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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