Monster Prom - Secret Endings Guide - Magic Game World

Monster Prom – Secret Endings Guide

Monster Prom - Secret Endings Guide

The endings in this section are activated via random chance while pursuing the character associated with the ending. I recommend prioritizing these endings if the event happens to pop up, as it can be very frustrating to replay the game over and over in an attempt to activate the event you need. Some people spread rumors about locations triggering these events, but that is 100% untrue. The patterns people are observing are just RNG screwing with them.



RNG Endings

Fighting Damien

You do not actually have to succeed in the events on this route! You enter this route when Damien gets angry (as always) and you either claim to be a pragmatist (Smarts) or you start dancing (Fun). The second event involves Damien and a banana, and the final event involves Vera and Scott talking about the big fight. I believe you can choose anything when going to prom and this event will activate anyway, but pick Damien if you want a chance at romance. Your ending is only romantic if you get some of the events right, but it seems the secret ending counts no matter what. If you want to know the correct answer to events two and three, eating the banana is Bold and bribing Vera requires Money while Scott’s option requires Charm.



Damien’s Styling Dream

Optimal stats: Smarts/Money, Bold

Side note: For some reason, the chance of this event coming up seems to depend on spending time with Liam on top of spending time with Damien.

Step 1: When Damien tells you about his secret dream job, turn Damien’s phone into a bird if your Smarts stat is higher than your Money stat. Make it rain if your Money stat is higher.

Step 2: When Damien wants to improve his skills, suggest killing a loved one if your Bold stat is higher than your Charm stat. Choose the frenemy option if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 3: When Damien expresses his concerns about his dads, choose the stealth makeover if your Creativity stat is higher than your Bold stat. Choose the blood and dagger if your Bold stat is higher.

Step 4: Ask Damien to prom!



Polly’s Party

Optimal stats: Smarts, Fun, Creativity (Pick two)

Step 1: When Polly invites you to a party alone and asks if you have any ideas to spice things up, choose to spike the drinks with mandrake root if your Smarts stat is higher than your Creativity stat. Choose to be a sexy tax evader if your Creativity stat is higher.

Step 2: When Polly asks how to improve the bar mitzvah, choose the electric slide if your Fun stat is higher than your Smarts stat. Choose chemistry if your Smarts stat is higher.

Step 3: When you are going to crash the funeral, choose to have Polly possess the body if your Fun stat is higher than your Creativity stat. Choose the bouncy castle if your Creativity stat is higher.

Step 4: Ask Polly to prom!



Polly and the Reverse Romanian Wilkinson

Optimal stats: Charm

Step 1: When Polly tells you about her “unfinished business,” tell Polly you’ve done the Reverse Romanian Wilkinson if your Charm stat is higher than your Creativity stat. Use a smoke bomb if your Creativity stat is higher.

Step 2: Get enough money to buy A Penguin Mask ($10)

Step 3: When trying to find out info about the Reverse Romanian Wilkinson, keep searching the internet if your Creativity stat is higher than your Charm stat. Ask the Coven if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 4: When Liam comes to you, throw your money at him if your Money stat is higher than your Charm stat. Blackmail him if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 5: Ask Polly to prom!



Scott and the Coke

Optimal stats: Fun, Charm

Step 1: When Scott snorts cocaine and flips out, use aromatherapy if your Creativity stat is higher than your Fun stat. Use the fidget spinner if your Fun stat is higher.

Step 2: When Scott gets kicked off the team, spike the punch if your Fun stat is higher than your Charm stat. Give Coach a demonstration if your Charm stat is higher. Note: some people claim that the coach route did not count as a secret ending for them, but it did for me, so //shrug//

Step 3: Buy A Bag of Regular Cocaine ($10)

Step 4a: If you chose to spike the punch, pretend to be a punch chef if your Creativity stat is higher than your Charm stat. Seduce the troll if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 4b: If you chose to talk to Coach, tell him coke is good for sports if your Charm stat is higher than your Bold stat. Snort a bunch of coke in front of him if your Bold stat is higher.

Step 5: Ask Scott to prom!



Scott the Furry King

Optimal stats: Charm, Money/Creativity

Step 1: When Scott tells you about his new forest friends, tell him to do push-ups if your Fun stat is higher than your Charm stat. Tell him his eyes are Royal Blue your Charm stat is higher.

Step 2: When advising Scott on leadership, tell him to pay taxes if your Money stat is higher than your Creativity stat. Tell him he needs a flag if your Creativity stat is higher.

Step 3: When the furry’s head falls off, say he just shed his head if your Smarts stat is higher than your Charm stat. Tell him it was a curse if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 4: Ask Scott to prom!



Prom Queen Vera

Optimal stats: Smarts, Charm

Step 1: When Vera tells you she wants to be prom queen, tell her to ask the Coven if your Charm stat is higher than your Smarts stat. Tell her to search the internet if your Smarts stat is higher.

Step 2: Buy A Tampon Used by the Former Prom Queen ($1)

Step 3: Go to the Bathroom

Step 4: When PGS walks in on the blood ritual preparations, tell him it’s for homework if your Smarts stat is higher than your Fun stat. Tell him the goat was a spy if your Fun stat is higher.

Step 5: When trying to get the earrings from the Coven, tell the Coven you’re trying to save the world if your Charm stat is higher than your Bold stat. Pull a heist if your Bold stat is higher.

Step 6: Ask Vera to prom!



Vera’s Life of Crime

Optimal stats: Creativity, Charm

Step 1: When Vera consults you about an assassination app, suggest organic murders if your Creativity stat is higher than your Smarts stat. Develop a Murdr virus if your Smarts stat is higher.

Step 2: When Vera complains about sexist crime lords, tell her to quit crime if your Charm stat is higher than your Creativity stat. Tell her to write a song if your Creativity stat is higher.

Step 3: When the meeting starts going sour, confess your feelings if your Charm stat is higher than your Bold stat. Choose to kiss the croc if your Bold stat is higher.

Step 4: Ask Vera to prom!



Miranda’s Throne

Optimal stats: Smarts, Bold

Step 1: When Miranda asks you how to sabotage Ursula Jr., spread a rumor if your Smarts stat is higher than your Fun stat. Fart joke if your Fun stat is higher.

Step 2: When Miranda asks how to sneak a fish man into the school, do nothing if your Smarts stat is higher than your Bold stat. Release the Kraken if your Bold stat is higher.

Step 3: When recommending a “glorious act” to Miranda, bring war if your Bold stat is higher than your Creativity stat. Build a monument if your Creativity stat is higher.

Step 4: Ask Miranda to prom!



Miranda’s Agenda

Optimal stats: Charm, Money/Bold

Step 1: When Miranda is trying to make up with the water polo team, suggest toppings if your Creativity stat is higher than your Charm stat. Suggest a stenciled card if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 2: When Miranda asks you to break into PGS’s office and change her grade, tell her to put a web of flies outside his office if your Smarts stat is higher than your Charm stat. Tell her to burst into tears if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 3: When Miranda wants to send a letter to her aunt, hire Scuber if your Money stat is higher than your Bold stat. Swim there yourself if your Bold stat is higher.

Step 4: Ask Miranda to prom!



Prom King Liam

Optimal stats: Money

Step 1: When Miranda tells you about her plan to “Make Liam Popular Again”, put porn on his account if your Fun stat is higher than your Money stat. Pay people if your Money stat is higher.

Step 2: When trying to increase Liam’s popularity in real life, impersonate Liam if your Charm stat is higher than your Money stat. Pay people if your Money stat is higher.

Step 3: When Liam decides to leave the school, chase Liam if your Charm stat is higher than your Money stat. Pay people if your Money stat is higher.

Step 4: Ask Liam to prom!



Liam the Weeb

Optimal stats: Creativity, Charm/Bold

Side note: The chance of this event appearing seems to increase if you have points with Damien as well as Liam.

Step 1: When confronted about your yaoi, introduce Damien to the art of yaoi. If you have a high enough Creativity stat, you can begin pursuing this route.

Step 2: When Liam asks for his first lesson, practice Advanced Cuddling if your Charm stat is higher than your Bold stat. Tell him to draw you like one of his French girls if your Bold stat is higher.

Step 3: When Liam is facing writer’s block, suggest a teacher-student romance if your Charm stat is higher than your Bold stat. Tell him to kill his darlings if your Bold stat is higher.

Step 4: When Liam asks for your secret technique, tell him you will show him the secrets intimately if your Charm stat is higher than your Bold stat. Tell him to make a sacrifice if your Bold stat is higher.

Step 5: Ask Liam to prom!



Unlockable Orgy Ending

I apologize for the vagueness in this one, I have not actually seen any events other than the first one. The stats listed here were obtained through hearsay.

Optimal stats: Creativity/Charm, Smarts/Fun

Step 1: When Polly and Liam start discussing an orgy, suggest a post-orgy chess tournament if your Creativity stat is higher than your Charm stat. Chant “ORGY!” repeatedly if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 2: When speaking to Scott and Damien, choose the option involving the book if your Smarts stat is higher than your Fun stat. Choose the option involving the hat if your Fun stat is higher.

Step 3: When speaking to Miranda, choose the option that contains the word “prowess” if your Creativity stat is higher than your Charm stat. Choose the option involving her parents if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 4: When speaking to Vera, choose the option that involves networking if your Charm stat is higher than your Creativity stat. Choose the notebook option if your Creativity stat is higher.

Step 5: I don’t think it matters who you ask to prom, but if you want to be safe, I have heard people state that they asked Polly and Liam to get this ending.



Activatable Endings

The endings in this section can be invoked by the player, given that the related item is unlocked.



Corpse Party

Optimal stats: Smarts, Creativity/Bold

Step 1: Buy A Corpse ($5)

Step 2: When confronted by the three most hateful people in the school and Polly, put the corpse on your head if your Smarts stat is higher than your Money stat. Slap a brand name on that corpse if your Money stat is higher.

Step 3: When Scott warns you about the journalist, out-journal him if your Creativity stat is higher than your Bold stat. If your Bold stat is higher, kill his parents.

Step 4: When the creeps appear, leave your corpse alone if your Smarts stat is higher than your Charm stat. Choose the option about love if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 5: Ask None of Them to prom.



The Most Convincing Ghost

Optimal stats: Fun, Creativity/Bold

Step 1: Buy A Blanket with Two Holes ($5)

Step 2: When first pretending to be a ghost, choose levitation if your Smarts stat is higher than your Fun stat. Choose to haunt someone if your Fun stat is higher.

Step 3: When the Interdimensional Prince appears, to say “Boo!” if your Creativity stat is higher than your Bold stat. Throw a rock if your Bold stat is higher.

Step 4: When chatting with Polly, tell her you were sacrificed if your Fun stat is higher than your Charm stat. Tell her you don’t tell until the third date if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 5: At this point, you have multiple options! You can choose to ask None of Them to prom and either be sad or happy all alone as your spooooky self. I do not believe you get the secret ending if you get the sad option. You can also ask someone out! That may be risky though, as your stats seem to matter as they would if you were asking the character to prom normally.



Erotic Fanfiction

This is the easiest ending to get. No stats matter. Just buy An Erotic Fanfic About Dragons ($6) and choose to go with None of Them on prom night. That’s it. Even the events don’t matter here.



Zgord (AKA Zoe, the mysterious hot purple girl on the ending card)

Optimal stats: CHARM, Bold/Smarts

Step 1: Begin by earning $10.

Step 2: Buy The Power Totem of Zgord, Ruler of the Dark Realms ($10)

Step 3: During the first event, burn weed if your Fun is higher than your Charm. Sacrifice yourself for the mask if your Charm is higher.

Step 4: When confronted by the Coven, swallow the mask if your Bold stat is higher than your Smarts stat. Make the mask disappear if your Smarts stat is higher.

Step 5: Ask Zgord to prom when given the option. If your Charm stat is high enough, Zgord will accept.

Step 6: Choose to date None of Them on prom night.



Vera’s Sex Cult

Optimal stats: Creativity, Smarts/Money

Step 1: Buy A Cult Ring ($7)

Step 2: When Liam asks how you got it, tell him the truth if your Bold stat is higher than your Creativity stat. Tell him you ate yourself if your Creativity stat is higher.

Step 3: When asked what your favorite thing about the ring is, talk about how great it makes your hand look if your Charm stat is higher than your Creativity stat. Tell them you can turn into a dinosaur if your Creativity stat is higher.

Step 4: When brainstorming about recruitment strategies, put ads in cereal if your Creativity stat is higher than your Fun stat. Secretly make anyone part of the cult if your Fun stat is higher.

Step 5: When trying to find the cult leader, make a money pentagram if your Money stat is higher than your Smart stat. Tell Liam to ask Vera if your Smart stat is higher.

Step 6: Ask Vera to prom!



Shopkeeper Valerie

You have unlocked this ending when you are told “The shop has changed slightly!”

Optimal stats: Money, Creativity

Step 1: As soon as you can visit the shop, visit 3 times without buying anything. You will be able to interact with the shopkeeper at the next lunch, but she will be unavailable at every lunch after that.

Step 2: During the Aaravi event, outsource the sword-upgrading if your Money stat is higher than your Creativity stat. Perform some DIY if your Creativity stat is higher.

Step 3: During the Coven event, suggest investing in toys if your Money stat is higher than your Charm stat. Suggest they try to get picked up by Netflix if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 4: During the Interdimensional Prince event, use Instagram if your Creativity stat is higher than your Bold stat. Start a fire if your Bold stat is higher.

Step 5: Choose to invite None of Them to prom.



Joy Ending

Optimal stats: Smarts, Charm

Step 1: Buy The Blood of an Angel ($12)

Step 2: When Polly and Vera want the blood, appeal to Vera if your Smarts stat is higher than your Fun stat. Appeal to Polly if your Fun stat is higher.

Step 3: When Dmitri shows up, seduce him if your Charm stat is higher than your Creativity stat. Tell him the Coven’s caring if their strength if your Creativity stat is higher.

Step 4: When Joy drops, cry over her if your Charm stat is higher than your Smarts stat. Give her the orb if your Smarts stat is higher.

Step 5: Ask None of Them to prom.



Blobert Ending

Optimal stats: Charm, Creativity/Fun

Step 1: Buy A Set of Weirdly Specific Greeting Cards ($12)

Step 2: When you meet Blobert, choose to give the corpse a card if your Bold stat is higher. Give PGS a card if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 3: When Vera needs help, give the Interdimensional Prince a card if your Creativity stat is higher than your Fun stat. Make a paper airplane a card if your Fun stat is higher.

Step 4: When Slayer appears, give her a card about her missing brother if your Smarts stat is higher than your Charm stat. Give her the card that compliments her boots if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 5: Ask None of Them to prom!



Calculester Ending

Optimal stats: Smarts, Charm/Fun

Step 1: Buy An Arcane Floppy Disk ($8)

Step 2: Go to the library. When the virus is uploaded on the computer, choose to hack the virus if your Smarts stat is higher than your Charm stat. Strike a pose if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 3: When Principal Giant Spider begins suspecting Calculester, compliment his hat if your Fun stat is higher than your Smarts stat. Go metaphorical if your Smarts stat is higher.

Step 4: When asked what you like about living, say you feel alive when you step outside of your comfort zone if your Bold stat is higher than your Smarts stat. Say you feel alive when drinking the potion if your Smart stat is higher.

Step 5: When the wolf pack gets aggressive, do the robot dance if your Fun stat is higher than your Charm stat. Give a speech if your Charm stat is higher.

Step 6: Ask None of Them to prom.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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