Monsters’ Den: Godfall Epic Relics Guide
All Epic Relics in Monsters’ Den: Godfall. In this guide you can find their features.
Ancient Engraving
Score 1/5
Stat points only.
Ancient King’s Bust
Score 2/5
Restore after battle is alright if your life/power steal and regeneration is very low.
Argent Orb (Cracked)
Score 2/5
-1 to skill power cost is way too low, so is the +3 maximum power. However I will always go for -1 to skill power over power regeneration, in this case Dreadfather’s Mask.
Ashes of the Reformer
Score 1/5
Stat points only.
Bracelet of the Corsair Queen
Score 1/5
+1% to Critical Hit Chance is too low, unless you are stacking it towards 100% or whatever the cap is.
Broken Statue of the Lady
Score 1/5
Stat points only.
Burial Shround of Vandir
Score 2/5
+5 maximum power is too low, but I guess is alright if you are running power restore after battle and all the other power management relics.
Charred Wood
Score 3/5
The flame resistance is nice there are some deadly flame spells that monster will throw at your party.
The Chronicles of Tearha
Score 5/5 due to the Art vaule, or else 5/5 for Leveling
Power restore after battle and +1% party experience gain are alright for leveling. Since you should have very powerful weapon with the use of Spirit Guide, so the only thing left to do is getting more experience.
Correspondence with the Gods
Score 4/5
Mental resistance is much needed because party members killing each other is very bad.
Dreadfather’s Mask
Score 5/5 for nostalgic reason or else 1/5
Use Argent Orb (Cracked) instead.
Figure of Dilaera
Score 1/5
+1% to Critical Hit Chance is too low, unless you are stacking it towards 100% or whatever the cap is.
The First Deception
Score 1/5
+2 evasion is too low, unless you are stacking it.
Flagstone of Asternath
Score 3.5/5
+4 stun evasion is very low, but unlike the games before it is very hard to get stun evasion now.Founder’s Finger is another stun evasion relic.
Forgotten Saint’s Knucklebone
Score 4/5
Curse resistance and all other resistance is good.
Founder’s Finger
Score 3.5/5
+5 stun evasion is very low, but unlike the games before it is very hard to get stun evasion now.
Flagstone of Asternath is another stun evasion relic.
Grail of Divine Wrath
Score 4/5
Poison resistance this time and you should know my stand by now.
Hero’s Callstone
Score 5/5
In a turn based game where turns is not determined by initiative but rather by quickness, then quickness is King.
Illuminated Manuscript
Score 1/5
2% chance of free skill is too low and unreliable.
Lock of Odessa’s Hair
Score 1/5
Stat points only.
Martyr’s Prayer Beads
Score 2.5/5
I like resistance but 5% magic resistance is low and they do not come with coditions, wound or whatever if I remember correctly.
Mourning Glory
Score 5/5 for playing on words and if you are doing undead dungeon, or else 1/5
Very situational.
Remnant of Empire
Score 2/5
Good for leveling or if your party’s life/power steal and regeneration is very low.
Stone of Punishment
Score ?/5
Not sure how defense rating works.
Worn Odessan Amulet
Score 4/5
Two resistances.