MORDHAU - Detailed Weapon Stats Guide - Magic Game World

MORDHAU – Detailed Weapon Stats Guide

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Detailed stats for a variety of factors, such as weapon size and such.



Weapon Stats

Length: How long the weapon is according to the game engine. Longer weapons generally get longer, or more distant tracer spacing giving more effective range.


Block View Tolerance: How close do you have to aim at the closest tracer in order to block an enemy attack. Higher values offer more tolerance, and in some cases can allow for multiple simultaneous blocks.


Turn Cap: How mush you’re slowed down during the release of a swing, in terms of effective angle. A lower value means you can turn less during the swing, while a high value allows for near 360 swings (though hits at the end of the swing generally deal next to no damage, nor flinching).


Miss Cost: How much stamina is drained on missing a swing. It’s a misconception among newer players that swings always cost stamina. They don’t. Swings only cost stamina if you miss.


Feint Cost: A feint is where the player “cancels” their swing or strike, usually to bait out a defensive action. A feint has a cost in terms of stamina to use, though this appears to be 10 universally.


Morph Cost: The cost of changing a swing to a stab, and vice versa. This also appears to be a universal value of 7.


Stamina Drain: This is how much stamina the weapon will drain from the enemy if the hit is parried, before the resistance of the blocking weapon. Higher values will punish parries more.


Stamina Drain Resistance: How much of the above stamina drain is negated by doing a parry. A Zweihander can deal 20 stamina damage, while also blocking 13. A zweihander versus another will cost the defender 7 stamina when the strike is blocked.


Stop On Hit: Simple, does the weapon stop when you hit an enemy. Generally only true for blunt weapons. However, if you kill the target using a weapon where the strike is normally stopped, the strike will continue through.


Can Combo: Can the weapon be used to combo strikes together? If so, then the weapon can combo, if not, the attacker must wait through recovery, and do another windup.


Hit Knockback: How much the weapon pushes an enemy away on a successful hit. Select weapons with negative values can actually pull the enemy towards the user.


Wood Damage: How much damage the weapon deals to player built defenses, which are not objectives.


Stone Damage: How much damage the weapon will deal to actual map objectives, such as the barricades of the castle on the map Grad.


Is Block Held: Only applies to shields, a held block does not need to match parry timing to block.


Block Movement Restriction: Does the weapon require the player to slow down during their block?


Can Flinch: Determines whether or not the weapon will interrupt the enemies action as a result of a hit.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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