MORDHAU – How to Increase FPS
/What are the Best Settings to get an FPS boost in MORDHAU? Here we take a look at the best optimization tips for MORDHAU.
How to Increase FPS
Under the “Video” tab:
Anything with [IMPORTANT] has a big impact on FPS or visibility.
DISABLE V-SYNC – Even if you have a 60Hz Monitor, you should always be aiming for 120fps
- Resolution Scale – Adjust this based on FPS. If you are getting enough FPS, you can turn this up to 1.1 or 1.2 for a sharper picture. Leave on 1 if not getting consistent frames or on Frontlines
- Frame rate limit – 120 if on a 60Hz monitor, 143 on a 144hz monitor. Lower based on framerate (if you’re getting 54 FPS max, then make it 50, for example)
- Field of View – 101.
- Antia-aliasing – Off (especially if using higher than 1 screenscale)Â [IMPORTANT]
- Texture quality – Adjust based on GPU VRAM size (6gb+ = Ultra) (4gb = High) etc.
- Effects – Low
- Shadow Quality – Low (Medium is fine, again I use for FPS)
- Indirect Shadows – Off
- View Distance – Low
- Post-process – Low [IMPORTANT]
- Foliage Density – Low [IMPORTANT]
- Character Quality – Low
- Character Cloth – No Cloth [IMPORTANT]
- Ragdoll Qaulity – Low [IMPORTANT]
- Screenspace Reflections – Off [IMPORTANT]
- Motion Blur – Off [IMPORTANT]
- Bloom – Off [IMPORTANT]
- Ambient Occlusion – Off [IMPORTANT]
- Lens Flares – Off [IMPORTANT]
Removing Shadows
Make sure you have followed the above graphics settings;
- Press windows key + R -> type %appdata% -> press OK
- Exit /Roaming then into /AppData -> go to Local/Mordhau/Saved/Config/WindowsClient/ open GameUserSettings.ini
- CNTRL + F and look for sg.ShadowQuality=1 change to sg.ShadowQuality=0
- Save, go to .ini file -> right click -> properties -> set to “Read Only. “Using this method will not work with Mordhau open; make sure it is closed with the desired graphics settings already saved.
- Under manage 3d settings -> program settings -> add mordhau, -> set virtually pre-rendered frames to 2 or 3 (higher = more FPS but also more input lag)
- Power management mode – Prefer maximum performance
- Texture Quality – Performance
- V-Sync – Off
- Anti-Aliasing – Off
- Make sure drivers are up to dateONLY USE IF GETTING BAD FPSÂ
- Open Console – type r.MipMapLodBias 4 (0-10, 10 being worst looking but best FPS)