MORDHAU PC Cheat Codes
/Console Commands
While playing the game, press ~ tilde (which is located under the Escape key (ESC).) to display the console window. Note: You may first need to change your keyboard layout to “US” to use this function. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Note: ‘End’ key also works.
Command – Effect
- ChangeSize x – This one changes the size of your character. Note: Singleplayer only.
- PlayersOnly – Freezes all the bots, but lets you keep walking around. This one is a toggle, so enter it again to unfreeze everyone. Note: Singleplayer only.
- adminlogin <password> // required to perform any other admin command
- adminlist // lists current admins
- adminadd <STEAMID64> // adds a new admin to the adminlist
- removeadmin <STEAMID64> // removes specified admin from the admin list
- changelevel <map name> // Changes the map
- restartlevel // restarts the current map
- addbots <integer> // adds desired number of bots
- removebots <integer> // kills desired number of bots
- kick <user name / steamid64>
- ban <user name / steamid64)
- unban <user name / steamid64)
- banlist
- exit // exits Mordhau game program
- Stat FPS – Shows the FPS counter
- Slomo x – Chuck a number after this one, it will change the speed of the game. (Slomo 2 for double speed, slomo .5 for half speed). Useful for practicing chambers/drags against bots, but obviously it won’t work in multiplayer.