MORDHAU: Player Perks Guide
/Player Perks offer unique passive buffs & abilities for your character. Each perk you choose has an associated point cost with it; so you must choose wisely.
Player Perks
1 | Acrobat (Jump Stamina cost reduced by 50%)
1 | Cat (Reduces fall damage by 50%)
1 | Fireproof (Reduces fire damage by 80%)
1 | Friendly (50% Damage reduction to dealt and received team damage)
1 | Ranger (Allows you to move 15% quicker while aiming a bow or crossbow)
1 | Scavenger (Killing enemies causes them to drop everything they are carrying, including holstered equipment)
1 | Smith (Repair effectiveness increased 50%)
1 | Wrecker (Melee damage against structures increased 50%)
2 | Bloodlust (Health on Kill increased 50%)
2 | Brawler (Increases Fist damage)
2 | Fury (Stamina on kill increased 66%)
2 | Huntsman (Projectiles deal 200% damage against enemies wearing a quiver)
2 | Rat (Crouch movement speed increased 10%, Footstep volume reduced 75%)
2 | Second Wind (Stamina gain on hit increased 30%) – great for dueling.
2 | Tenacious (Passive Health regeneration is 40% faster)
2 | Flesh Wound (Fatal melee and projectile damage, except for headshots, does not kill you immediately, but 5 seconds later. Limb integrity during this time is not guaranteed.)
3 | Rush (Instantly get a movement sprint boost upon killing an enemy)
8 | Peasant (Restricts equipment & wearables to things a peasant would use & allows you to spawn with makeshift weapons)
6 | Dodge (Jumping backward or to the sides will perform a dodge instead of a jump)