Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord – Battlefield Commands Guide
Articles, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord /
20 Apr 2020
F1 (Movement) – select a group, then press F1 followed by the corresponding key to order your units:
- F1 – units will move to a position (left-click) without breaking their formation; it’s a bit like an RTS game.
- F2 – soldiers will follow you around; very useful if you specify cavalry to do it.
- F3 – everyone will charge the enemy; great for killing routing units.
- F4 – advance a few paces.
- F5 – fall back a few paces.
- F6 – make units stop completely.
- F7 – selected groups will retreat from the battlefield.
Note: You can just select all units (“zero/0”) and press F6 to delegate all troop actions to the AI.