Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Cheats - Magic Game World

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Cheats

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Before you start using cheats, you should be aware of the fact that once you have enabled cheats, you will stop gaining Steam Achievements. However, you can always disable cheats if you want to start gaining achievements. Below is a comprehensive list of cheats and console commands which you can use to enrich your gameplay experience. Read the description of the command before you use it.



How to Enable Cheats

  • Go to Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs


  • Open “engine_config.txt”


  • Look for “cheat_mode = 0” and change the value to “1”


Once you have completed the steps above and activated the developer console, you can use only the following 4 commands after starting a new campaign.


  • Ctrl+Left Click – Teleports you to the selected location on the world map.


  • Ctrl+H – Fully heals you.


  • CTRL+Shift+H – Fully heals your horse.


  • Ctrl+F4 – Knocks an enemy unconscious.


Note: You need to start a new campaign after activating the cheat mode (developer console). Otherwise, the cheats will not work.



Mount & Blade II Bannerlord Cheat Commands

Ctrl + X

Adds 1,000 Thaler – Do code in the Inventory Screen



Ctrl + X

Adds 1,000 Experience points – Do code in the Character Screen



Ctrl + L

Faster leveling – Do code in Character Screen (Adds 1 level per click)



Ctrl + W

Increase all Weapon Proficiencies – Do code in the Character Screen



Ctrl + X

Upgrade selected unit – Do code in Party Screen



Ctrl + T

See everything except the hideouts on the map – Do code on the Map Screen



Ctrl + Left Mouse Button

Teleport party – Code can only be done on the Map Screen.



Ctrl + Left Mouse Button

Upgrade unit to what is clicked – Do code during Battles.



Ctrl + H

Restore Health – Do code during Battles



Ctrl + Shift + H

Heal your horse – Do code during Battles.



Ctrl + F3
Damage yourself – Do code during Battles.



Hold Ctrl + Shift and press F4

Knocks a single random enemy during battle unconscious – Do code during Battles.



Ctrl + Alt + F4

Renders all Enemy troops unconscious – Do code during Battles.



Ctrl + Shift + F4

Enemies that are seen during being zoomed in will be knocked unconscious – Do code during Battles.



Ctrl + F5

The AI will control your character – Do code during Battles.



Ctrl + F6

Knocks a single random ally – Do code during Battles.



Ctrl + F9

Slow-motion toggle – Do code during Battles.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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  1. Thomas 5 years ago

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