Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - How to Manage a Garrison - Magic Game World

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – How to Manage a Garrison

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Bannerlord is an engaging medieval strategy game where skillful garrison management is key to preserving the stability and security of your fiefs, ultimately elevating your gaming experience. A top-notch garrison not only provides a solid defense against enemy attacks but also helps keep things orderly within your territories. Nonetheless, poor garrison management can seriously drain your resources, dwindling your income and potentially landing you in financial hot water.


To begin managing your garrison, access the clan page by clicking the Clan tab located at the bottom left corner of your screen. This will display your parties, fiefs and other important information.


Once you’re on the clan page, click the Parties tab to view your current parties and garrisons. Browse through the list and select the town or castle you’d like to manage, which will then open a detailed page containing information about the chosen garrison.



Disabling Auto Recruit

On the garrison management page, you will find an Auto Recruit button. This feature is enabled by default, allowing your garrison to automatically recruit units from the local town population. To gain more control over your garrison and its wages, click the button to disable this feature.



Adjusting the Wage Limit

After disabling the auto-recruit feature, you can set the wage limit for your garrison. This step allows you to determine a cap on the amount you’re willing to pay for your garrison’s wages. By carefully adjusting this limit, you can ensure that your income stays higher than your expenses, preventing financial problems in the long run.


To establish the wage limit in Bannerlord, locate the slider on the garrison management page. Move it to the left to decrease the wage limit or to the right to increase it. Avoid the unlimited setting, as it can cause significant financial strain if your economy isn’t strong enough.



Fine-tuning Your Garrison

With the auto-recruit feature disabled and the wage limit in place, you can now concentrate on optimizing your garrison. This process entails removing unnecessary troops and ensuring that your garrison consists of units that are both cost-effective and capable of defending your fiefs. Keep in mind that, with auto-recruit disabled, you’ll need to manually recruit and assign troops to your garrison.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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