Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – How to Skip Intro Videos
Articles, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord /
30 Jan 2020
How to Ditch Those Intro Videos in a Few Easy Steps:
- Navigate your way to <path-to-game>\Modules\Native\Videos.
- Look for the culprits: TWLogo_and_Partners.ogg and TWLogo_and_Partners.ivf. Once you spot them, give ’em the boot (that’s code for “delete”).
A couple of side notes:
- If the game gets an update, there’s a good chance those files will pop back up like they never left.
- You’ll be staring at a black screen for a hot second while the main menu loads up. But hey, on the bright side, you’ll be diving into the game a bit quicker!
Now, enjoy that faster game launch without those pesky intros!