Mount & Blade: Warband PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Mount & Blade: Warband PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Mount & Blade: Warband PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Having trouble with Mount & Blade: Warband? Need a quick rundown of the keyboard controls and keybindings? This guide has all the PC controls you need in one place! There’s also a video tutorial below that walks you through all the game settings.



All PC Settings



Battle Controls

  • Move Forward: W


  • Move Backward: S


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Right: D


  • Action: F


  • Jump: Space


  • Crouch: Z


  • Attack: Left Mouse Btn


  • Defend: Right Mouse Btn


  • Kick: E


  • Toggle Weapon Mode: X


  • Equip Item 1: Numpad 1


  • Equip Item 2: Numpad 2


  • Equip Item 3: Numpad 3


  • Equip Item 4: Numpad 4


  • Equip Next Weapon: Scroll Up


  • Equip Next Shield: Scroll Down


  • Drop Weapon: G


  • Sheath Weapon: \


  • Leave Location/Retreat: Tab


  • Zoom: Shift (left)


  • View Outfit: ~


  • Toggle First Person View: R


  • View Orders: Back Space


  • Select Order 1: F1


  • Select Order 2: F2


  • Select Order 3: F3


  • Select Order 4: F4


  • Select Order 5: F5


  • Select Order 6: F6


  • Everyone!: 0


  • Group 1!: 1


  • Group 2!: 2


  • Group 3!: 3


  • Group 4!: 4


  • Group 5!: 5


  • Group 6!: 6


  • Group 7!: 7


  • Group 8!: 8


  • Group 9!: 9


  • Others!: =


  • Nearby Soldiers!: –


  • Send Message to Everyone: T


  • Send Message to Team: Y


  • Character Window: C


  • Inventory Window: I


  • Party Window: P


  • Quests Window: Q


  • Game Log Window: L


  • Quick Save: F12



Map Controls

  • Move Forward: W


  • Move Backward: S


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Right: D


  • Zoom In: Numpad +


  • Zoom Out: Numpad –


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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