MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE Cheats - Magic Game World


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Secret Items & Unlockables

You can find every secret objective here to unlock awesome cosmetics for your characters! Some of these Objectives are pretty difficult, so please take your time with those.



Hero Side (No.0-27)

Secret Items:

Mission 0: /

Mission 1: K.o the opponent

Mission 2: Finish the opponent with a Plus Ultra attack

Mission 3: /

Mission 4: K.o the opponent

Mission 5: Finish the opponent with a Plus Ultra attack

Mission 6: K.o the opponent

Mission 7: Use your sidekick attack 3 times and win

Mission 8: Finish the opponent with an EX Plus Ultra attack

Mission 9: /

Mission 10: /

Mission 11: Finish the opponent with a EX Plus Ultra attack

Mission 12: Win with more than 80% HP

Mission 13: /

Mission 14: Finish the opponent with Quirk Technique 1

Mission 15: Win with a Time out

Mission 16: Use your sidekick attack 3 times and win

Mission 17: Use your sidekick attack 3 times and win

Mission 18: /

Mission 19: Win with more than 50% HP

Mission 20: Finish the opponent with a Plus Ultra attack

Mission 21: /

Mission 22: Finish the opponent with a Quirk Technique

Mission 23: Finish the opponent with a Plus Ultra attack

Mission 24: Defeat the opponent in 30 seconds

Mission 25: Win with a time out

Mission 26: Finish the opponent with a Quirk Technique

Mission 27: K.o the opponent



Hero Side (No.28-43)

Mission 28: /

Mission 29: Win with a time out (Difficult)

Mission 30: Win with a perfect victory (Difficult)

Mission 31: K.o the opponent

Mission 32: WIn with a perfect victory (Difficult)

Mission 33: Defeat the opponent in 30 seconds (Difficult)

Mission 34: Defeat the opponent in 30 seconds (Difficult)

Mission 35: Finish the opponent with Quirk Technique 1

Mission 36: /

Mission 37: Win with more than 70% HP

Mission 38: Win with a time out (Difficult)

Mission 39: /

Mission 40: Defeat the opponent in 30 seconds (Difficult)

Mission 41: Win with a time out (Difficult)

Mission 42: Finish the opponent with a Plus Ultra attack

Mission 43: /END



Villain Side (No.44-60)

Mission 44: Defeat the opponent in 30 seconds

Mission 45: /

Mission 46: Win with more than 70% HP

Mission 47: Finish the opponent with a Quirk Technique

Mission 48: Win without guarding

Mission 49: Just Guard 3 or more times and win

Mission 50: Finish the opponent with a Plus Ultra attack

Mission 51: Win with more than 70% HP

Mission 52: K.o the opponent

Mission 53: /

Mission 54: Win with more than 70% HP

Mission 55: Defeat the opponent in 30 seconds

Mission 56: Just Guard 3 or more times and win

Mission 57: Finish the opponent with a Plus Ultra attack

Mission 58: /

Mission 59: Win without guarding

Mission 60: /



Villain Side (No.61-74)

Mission 61: Finish the opponent with a Plus Ultra attack

Mission 62: Finish the opponent with Quirk Technique 1

Mission 63: /

Mission 64: Win with a perfect victory

Mission 65: Win without using a sidekick

Mission 66: Win with a time out

Mission 67: /

Mission 68: /

Mission 69: Win with more than 70% HP

Mission 70: Win with a time out

Mission 71: /

Mission 72: Finish the opponent with Quirk Technique 1

Mission 73: Finish the opponent with a Plus Ultra attack

Mission 74: /END



Bonus: The Sports Festival (No.75-83)

Mission 75: /

Mission 76: Win with a ring out

Mission 77: K.o the opponent

Mission 78: Finish the opponent with a Plus Ultra attack

Mission 79: Finish the opponent with Quirk Technique 1

Mission 80: Freeze the opponent more than once and win

Mission 81: Finish the opponent with Quirk Technique

Mission 82: Finish the opponent with a Plus Ultra attack

Mission 83: Win with more than 80% HP


That’s it! You completed every objective and received every secret item!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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