Nantucket - First Trails Achievement Guide - Magic Game World

Nantucket – First Trails Achievement Guide


8515B4FF-2A51-465C-9267-18B351AAB9F0First Trails

Complete the “Finding the Rachel” quest


The above-mentioned quest is the second main mission of the game and it can be very tough if you haven’t the right crew or if you level up too much before completing it. I recommend completing this mission at levels 4-6 by following the next steps:


First, hire a level ≥ 5 Field Doctor, and then make sure that you also have a Sailor and a Hunter on your crew. Once your crew is assembled, explore the map until you find the spot where Rachel is, but be careful not to activate the mission by accidentally sailing too close to the mission icon.


Now that you have the appropriate crew and know where the mission will take place, you’ll need to acquire a surplus of 5 food barrels, which can be done either by hunting some whales or by buying them at the nearest city.


Once you have the required bait, navigate to a point near the mission’s location and save. Next, start the mission and pick the special option regarding using food barrels as distraction; if you’re successful, just read the paragraphs below, but if you aren’t just reload your savefile and try again until you manage to divert the sharks’ attention. If you’re playing in seadog mode, you’ll have to retreat and try again if you don’t manage to distract the sharks, but if you do so you’ll need to acquire 5 barrels of food again.


Lastly, you’ll only need to survive 6 rounds against an endless wave of sharks. Having a Field Doctor on your whaleboat will increase your chances of survival by a lot, as all Bleeding damage will be denied, thus preventing adult sharks from using their fearsome Blood Frenzy skill.


During the combat encounter just kill as many adult sharks as possible, only pausing for healing or protecting your crew members if they’re in mortal danger, and the mission will be over before you know it.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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