NBA 2K20 - 2 on 2 - Magic Game World

NBA 2K20 – 2 on 2

1 7

A really solid and time-demanding match type where you team up with another real player and take on a team of 2 other human players. You play 4 quarters, with 4 battles per quarter, sending in players together with your teammate. You select one, your opponent selects one and they face the cards selected by your opponents. The best ones win.


You can strategize with your teammate between quarters by chatting with them and rearrange your own cards to gain position bonuses (don’t forget to ALWAYS do that!). Don’t forget that the card market with a yellow gem is a Power Combo, meaning that they will get a boost in their stats when played (so try to use them at the best time). Plan this combos carefully and you will easily win this fun mode and get a ton of Draft picks.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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