NBA 2K23 – How to Spin Layup / Spin Dunk
/Spin layups and dunks are usually the go-to moves for most players. However, even the most experienced of them mix both moves in the high-tension moments. The inputs for layups and dunks are quite similar, leading you to easily confuse one with the other. Here are a few tips to help you land layups and dunks more consistently.
- Drive towards the basket.
- While holding RT/R2 double tap X on your Xbox One Series X|S or Square on your PS4 & PS5 to do the spin.
- Let go of R2/RT on your controller and then hold down X or Square to take a layup.
- Release R2/RT right after you’ve finished the spin.
- Drive towards the basket.
- While holding RT/R2 double tap X on your Xbox One Series X|S or Square on your PS4 & PS5 to do the spin.
- Keep holding R2/RT on your controller and then hold down X or Square to dunk the ball.
- You must be near the basket for the dunk animation to activate. Otherwise, you’ll end up executing a layup instead of a dunk.
Timing is the only differentiating factor between a dunk and a layup. The distance and the timing of layups and dunks need to be engraved into your muscle memory, which comes with training. Spending an hour in the practice court every day is the perfect way to hone your skills.