NBA 2K25 Post Moves and Shots: A Complete Guide to Dominating Down Low - Magic Game World

NBA 2K25 Post Moves and Shots: A Complete Guide to Dominating Down Low

NBA 2K25 Post Moves and Shots: A Complete Guide to Dominating Down Low

Nothing beats owning the paint with a dominant post game… You know the type – backing down opponents spinning around, and leaving defenders stumbling. Picture Nikola Jokić’s clever footwork or LeBron James powering his way to the basket. That’s where NBA 2K25 steps in providing you with everything you need to rule the low post.



What Does the Post Game Involve?

When we talk about the “post” in basketball, we mean that sweet spot right under the basket where the big guys do their thing. But it’s not just for centers and power forwards—anyone with the right skills can get involved. If you want to score some easy points or show off your fancy footwork, you need to nail your post game.


NBA 2K25 has stepped things up with some new mechanics that zero in on those one-on-one battles in the post. It’s not all about quickness and long-range shots anymore—sometimes, you’ve got to muscle your way through down low to rack up those easy points.



Breaking Down Post Moves and Shots

To kick things off in the post, press and hold the L2/LT button to enter the back-down position. Keep it pressed and rotate the Right Stick to control your player’s movements. Your actions, whether driving toward the basket or spinning away from the defender, depend on how you manipulate that stick.



Post Moves Controls

If you aim to score a lot of points, NBA 2K25 provides you with these post moves:


  • Quick Spin / Hook: Move the Right Stick in a circular motion, and your player will spin around or attempt a hook shot. This move can surprise your defender.


  • Fakes: Push the Right Stick left, right, or down to trick your defender. The goal is to make them react so you can execute your next move.


  • Post Hop: Push the Left Stick to the right or left (away from the basket) and press X (Xbox) or Square (PS) to perform a quick hop shot. This technique helps to create distance between you and the defender.


  • Post Stepback: Push the Left Stick away from the hoop and press X (Xbox) or Square (PS) to execute a smooth stepback shot. This move creates space between you and the defender.


  • Dropstep: Move the Left Stick left or right (towards the hoop) and press X (Xbox) or Square (PS) to perform a strong dropstep move. This works well when you’re matched against a smaller opponent.


  • Change Facing: Push the Right Stick up to alter your stance and confuse the defender. Use this to keep your opponent off-balance and unsure of your next move.



Post Shots Controls

NBA 2K25 means business with its post shots. New hooks and signature moves will make your post game hard to stop. Check out how to score:


  • Post Hook (close range): Lift the Right Stick while keeping the Left Stick neutral for a clean hook shot. Picture this as Jokić’s favorite move.


  • Shimmy Hook (Close Range): Push down RT (Xbox) or R2 (PS), lift the Right Stick with the Left Stick idle to add a little shimmy before the hook shot. This move is all about flair.


  • Post Fade (beyond close range): Pull the Right Stick down to the left or right to create space from your defender. This mimics Dirk Nowitzki’s iconic fadeaway.


  • Post Layup: To pull off a clever layup, push the Right Stick up while angling the Left Stick. This move works great when you need to get creative in heavy traffic.


  • Step Through Layup: To do a step-through layup, point the Left Stick at the basket and slide the Right Stick in the same direction. This smooth move helps you get past your defender.


  • Shimmy Fade (beyond close range): For a shimmy fadeaway, press R2 (Xbox) or RT (PS) and pull the Right Stick down to the left or right while keeping the Left Stick still. This move aims to throw your defender off balance.


  • Pump Fake: Begin any of the above shots then return the Right Stick to neutral to fake your shot. This trick can make your defender jump.


  • Up & Under / Step-Through: Start with a Pump Fake then push and hold the Right Stick before the pump fake ends to perform an up-and-under or step-through move. This technique works great to catch your defender off guard.


  • Aggressive Backdown: Press L2/LT to back down your defender. While in the post, press R2/RT and push the Left Stick towards the hoop to get physical. Picture LeBron powering his way to the basket.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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