Nightingale: Xbox Gamepad Controls - Magic Game World

Nightingale: Xbox Gamepad Controls

Nightingale: Xbox Gamepad Controls

For all you console gamers out there looking to dive into Nightingale with an Xbox controller on PC, you’re in the right spot!! This guide has all the Xbox controller commands you’ll need for Nightingale. It’s not yet available on PlayStation & Xbox consoles, but if you’re eager to experience Nightingale on PC with your Xbox gamepad, we’ve got everything you need right here. And remember, you can customize these controls to your liking through the game’s settings in the keybinds section. If you’re planning to stick with the defaults, here’s your go-to list. Bookmark this page for a quick refresher whenever you need it…



Xbox Controller Commands

  • Move: Left Stick (LS) to navigate.


  • Crouch: B to lower your stance.


  • Jump: A to leap.


  • Sprint: Click LS to dash.


  • Ability 1: Y for your first special move.


  • Ability 2: RB for a secondary skill.


  • Ability 3: Click RS (R3) for a tertiary trick.


  • Primary Action: RT for main moves like attack.


  • Secondary Action: LT for alternate moves like aim.


  • Toggle Gear: B to switch between combat and calm modes.


  • Build Mode: D-pad Down to start or stop building.


  • Extra Skill: LB for an additional ability.


  • Interacting with the World: Hold down the ‘X’ button to interact with objects or people around you.


  • Game Menus: Menu button for in-game options.


  • Exit Build: D-pad Down to quit building mode.


  • Cancel Placement: B to stop placing items.


  • Rotate Builds: D-pad Right to adjust orientation.


  • Adjust Height: D-pad Down for structure height.


  • System Settings or Log Out: Hit the Menu button to open the system menu, adjust settings, or take a break.


  • Emote Wheel: D-pad Up to show off your emotes.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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