Nioh 2 Cheats - Magic Game World

Nioh 2 Cheats

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The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama Kodama Locations

Kodama are lost NPCs and if you send them back to their shrines you can unlock bonuses at shrines in that region. You can additional Elixirs from the Shrines when a Kodama is back to his location. However, if you attack near a Kodama it will hide and become unresponsive.


There is nothing to worry though as they will be back to normal shortly. There are 7 Kodama locations in The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama main mission in Nioh 2.



Kodama Locations #1

Look inside the cave near the starting point to find your first Kodama in this main story mission. The Kodama is in the second room of the cave.



Kodama Locations #2

From the first location go back to the room where some Gaki are waiting for you. Head up the slope on the right into another path where you will find an Enki. The Kodama is just past the Enki.



Kodama Location #3

The next Kodama location is right outside the cave from the first and second locations. Go up the steep path and towards the forest area where you will find a Nure-Onna. The Kodama is nearby behind the grass.



Kodama Location #4

From the second shrine go down the slope and in the cave. Follow the candles to the large room where two Nure-Onna and Gaki Yokai are. Take them down and go to the red broken torii gate and to the path on the left. The next Kodama can be found here.



Kodama Location #5

The next Kodama is in the Dark Realm where you face the One-Eyed Oni which is the source of the Dark Realm near the fourth location. Once you manage to clear the area go up the shrine in the center and look to your left. The Kodama is in some bushes.



Kodama Location #6

The next Kodama is at the corner of a broken house that is at the end of the village that’s affected by the Dark Realm.



Kodama Location #7

The final Kodama location from The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama mission in Nioh 2 is near the mission’s objective. Move around the barricades to the left and reach the burning tree. The Kodama is behind some sacks nearby.



All Hot Springs Locations

There are 27 Hot Springs in Nioh 2. Resting at a Hot Spring or Spa during main missions or sub-missions restores all your HP and gives temporary healing over time effect. These can only be used once unless you pray at a shrine, which also respawns all enemies in the area.



Hot Spring #1

Found in: The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames

Near the end of the mission, go to the first floor of the burning building (Great Forge) and find the yokai wall in the top-right corner. It’s during the section where you’re required to put out the fires.



Hot Spring #2

Found in: The Viper’s Sanctum

Near the 2nd Kodama Shrine in the underground area, go inside a small cave on the west side to find it. It’s near the poisonous area.



Hot Spring #3

Found in: The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama

After a Kodama Shrine, continue downhill toward a cave and you’ll see another yokai wall right next to a soldier sitting nearby.



Hot Spring #4

Found in: The Mysterious One Night Castle

After exiting the fort, you’ll find a Hot Spring in the forest right before the wooden bridge.



Hot Spring #5

Found in: The Mysterious One Night Castle

The next Hot Spring is also in the same mission. At the very end of the mission, you’ll unlock a shortcut bridge leading back to the first shrine. You’ll unlock the Spa near the shortcut.



Hot Spring #6

Found in: The Hollow Fortress

You need to head up the ladders right next to the 2nd Kodama Shrine and continue to follow the path with the yellow crystals to find a yokai wall at the end.



Hot Spring #7

Found in: The Hollow Fortress

From the 3rd Kodama Shrine leading to the boss fight, head up the stairs and turn around to the far left side to find a yokai wall with the Hot Spring behind it.



Hot Spring #8

Found in: A Way Out

After the temple, continue toward the path with a One-eyed Oni and you’ll find the Spa at the very end, behind a shack.



Hot Spring #9

Found in: Corpses and Ice

You need to head to the wooden bridge after the Kodama Shrine and continue to drop down the platforms. Once you’re all the way down, stick to the right side and climb up the ladder to find the Hot Spring.



Hot Spring #10

Found in: Bird in a Cage

Head up the stairs after the Kodama Shrine and you’ll come to a blue bridge. You need to drop down from the blue bridge and drop into the opening in the platform to land right next to another Hot Spring.



Hot Spring #11

Found in: Pervading Waters

From the 3rd Kodama Shrine, head up the stairs and inside the building on the left side. Inside the building, you’ll have to break through some weak walls to come to a yokai wall with a Hot Spring behind it.



Hot Spring #12 through #18

Found in: Song of the Yokai Sub-Mission

The starting floor has 4 Hot Springs. 2 on the left and 2 on the right. You’ll find 2 more on the first floor. The final 2 are found after dropping down from the wooden platforms.



Hot Spring #19

Found in: The Frenzied Blaze

Right before the mission’s boss, head to the left path from the Kodama Shrine to find the Hot Spring.



Hot Spring #20

Found in: The Sun Sets on Mount Tenno

From the 3rd Kodama Shrine, descend the ladder and follow the wooden bridge with the blue crystals to get a Hot Spring at the very end of the path.



Hot Spring #21

Found in: Ruin Draws Near

From the 2nd Kodama Shrine, head inside the building on the left and take another left from the door ahead. Ignore the large enemy and head up the stairs on the left side to cross the bridge. From the end, drop down to reach a bell and a Hot Spring in the corner.



Hot Spring #22

Found in: The Two Faces of Hospitality

From the very first Kodama Shrine, you need to head inside a building on the right side to find a Kodama alongside a Spa.



Hot Spring #23

Found in: A Message from the Deceased Sub-Mission

You’ll find the Hot Spring inside a cave, on the left side.



Hot Spring #24

Found in: The High-spirited Demon

From the 3rd Kodama Shrine, you need to open a gate near a dual-sword enemy and head to a rooftop. You need to drop down from the rooftop to find a large yellow crystal and a Hot Spring.



Hot Spring #25

Found in: The Mausoleum of Evil

From the 2nd Kodama Shrine, head down the stairs and enter the building in front of you. Stick to the right side and drop down to take a wooden bridge that will lead you straight to the Hot Spring.



Hot Spring #26

Found in: The Golden Castle

You’ll come across a large yellow crystal in an open area after the 2nd Kodama Shrine. In this area, head up the stairs on the right side but head inside a room on the right halfway through to find a yokai wall with a Spa behind it.



Hot Spring #27

Found in: Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo

After you’ve destroyed all the yellow rocks (unmissable), head up the stairs from the 3rd Kodama Shrine and stick to the right side to find the last Hot Spring in the game.


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