Nioh: Defeating All Bosses Guide - Magic Game World

Nioh: Defeating All Bosses Guide


Use the following strategies to defeat all Bosses in Nioh:


1. Derrick The Executioner (Mission Level: 1): Derrick The Executioner is fought during the “Prologue”. Dodge to the side of his attacks, then perform a few hits. The axe works well, as it does the most damage early in the game. When he transforms into the second form, wait for him to run towards you, then dodge to the side, attack a few times, retreat, and repeat.


2. Onryoki (Mission Level: 5): Onryoki is fought during the “Isle Of Demons” main mission. He is powerful but slow. Use low stance with any desired weapon and dash behind him when he attacks. Get a few hits in, then block. He will whirl around with his chain when you attack from behind. Blocking does void the damage (stay close to his back). Do not dodge away when behind him. In low stance, you are much more agile and the quick attacks give similar DPS as strong attacks early in the game.


3. Hino-enma (Mission Level: 12): Hino-enma is fought during the “Deep In The Shadows” main mission. Her ranged attack is the most dangerous because it paralyzes you and then she can one-hit you if you are not careful. Always dodge to the side when she performs it. Try to stay just a few meters/yards away from her. When she attacks, dodge away from her. When she finishes her combo (and missed you), perform a few quick hits. The spear works best since it can hit her from far away. Jump away again, wait for her to miss a combo, counter-attack, and repeat. She does not have much health but is very quick. Remember to dodge to the side on all her ranged attacks.


4. Nue (Mission Level: 19): Nue is fought during “The Spirit Stone Slumbers” main mission. Use a spear in low stance. Wait for Nue to breathe lightning or poison at you. Then, quickly dodge to the left of her head (always the left so she cannot hit you), and attack with quick low stance attacks. While Nue breathes lightning, she is defenseless and will sit around. When you do enough damage, her KI depletes and she will be vulnerable for a few seconds. Follow up with your Guardian Spirit and she will not be able to recover from her downed state.


5. Tachibana Muneshige (Mission Level: 19): Tachibana Muneshige is fought during “The Spirit Stone Slumbers” main mission. Use a spear in mid or high stance to easily defeat him. Dodge away from him when he attacks. Let him miss his attack, then counter with high/mid stance attacks. The spear can easily hit him from far away. When his KI depletes, knock him out and attack on the ground by pressing Triangle.


6. Tachibana Muneshige (Mission Level: 27): Tachibana Muneshige is fought during the “Invitation From The Warrior Of The West” side mission. Use a spear in mid stance and only heavy attacks (Triangle) to greatly reduce his KI. Dodge away when he attacks. Do this until his KI is low (blue bar below health). When his KI is under 30%, attack with heavy spear mid stance attacks to quickly deplete his remaining KI. Once he gets knocked down, press Triangle to perform a devastating ground attack. Do this a few times to defeat him. Unlike other Bosses, all that matters with him is his KI bar; his health is secondary. Only when his KI is low will you have the chance to inflict some good damage. The spear can reach him from far away and also reduces his KI a lot with each attack.


7. Great Centipede (Mission Level: 27): The Great Centipede is fought during “The Silver Mine Writhes” main mission. During the first phase, quickly attack its legs. During the second phase, get behind it. Attack its legs with low stance light attacks a few times. It will then turn around and try to attack you with its mouth. Block this, then jump behind it again and repeat. You can repeat this method throughout the fight to easily defeat it. Even if it hits you with its mouth, you will take very little damage from it. When you time it correctly and stay behind the Centipede, it will not use its other stronger attacks at all.


8. Umi-bozu (Mission Level: 38): Umi-bozu is fought during “The Ocean Roars Again” main mission. First, make sure you light all three evil warding bonfires (locations are listed below) so no minions spawn during the fight. Use dual katanas in low stance with a fire effect. Either use fire amulets or cast fire via magic. Amulets are better because you can use them more often. You may want to back up your save game before this fight, in case you spend all your amulets you can copy back the save game to get your items back. This Boss is very weak to fire. The reason why you should use dual katana in low stance is because it does the most hits per second. The fire damage is applied to each hit. The more hits you get per second, the more fire damage you inflict. If you use a slow weapon like an axe, it would do 30 fire damage per hit but you only do 1 hit per second. With dual katanas, you do 20 hits per second which is 600 fire damage or so. This will kill the Boss very quickly. Keep your guardian spirit for the last phase. The Boss will jump in the middle of the arena. Dodge around it and attack after it misses.


9. Marume Nagayoshi (Mission Level: 40): Marume Nagayoshi is fought during “The Way Of The Warrior: Adept” dojo mission. Use a spear in mid stance against him. Wait until he misses an attack, then attack with Triangle. This spear attack can reach him from far away and does a fair amount of damage. It also reduces his KI quite a bit. If his KI is below 30% (blue bar below health), go full aggro on him with the spear. When his KI is depleted, he will fall to the ground and you can follow up with a strong finisher for massive damage (press Triangle while he is on the ground).


10. Hattori Hanzo (Mission Level: 40): Hattori Hanzo is fought during “The Way Of The Ninja: Adept” dojo mission. Use dual katanas in low stance. Dodge behind him when he attacks. Then, go full aggro on him to break his weak guard, and perform a finisher with Triangle. Repeat this to quickly defeat him.


11. Joro-Gumo (Mission Level: 47): Joro-Gumo is fought during the “Spider Nest Castle” main mission. Dodge behind her and attack the glowing thing on her back. Repeat this until she crawls together to protect her back. Then, attack her from the front and dodge away when she attacks. Attack a few times and dodge away again. When her health gets low, she becomes more dangerous. Use your living weapon at the end if it gets too dangerous.


12. Yuki-onna (Mission Level: 55): Yuki-onna is fought during the “Falling Snow” main mission. Use ranged weapons against her (bow/rifle). She dies quickly since she does not have much health. She is very tough in close combat. If you want to do close combat, always dodge to the side when she throws something. Dodge away when she casts ice around her, then dodge towards her again to get some quick hits in. The only real window you have for close combat attacks is after she casts ice under her feet or breathes ice. When her health drops below 50%, she goes full aggro and you should really start using your gun and bow. Keep your living weapon in case the ranged weapons do not kill her.


13. Onryoki (Mission Level: 52): Onryoki is fought during the “Demon Hunting” side mission. He is powerful but slow. Use low stance with any desired weapon, and dash behind him when he attacks. Get a few hits in, then block. He will whirl around with his chain when you attack from behind. Blocking does void the damage (stay close to his back). Do not dodge away when behind him. While in low stance, you are much more agile and the quick attacks give similar DPS as strong attacks at increased KI recovery.


14. Ii Naomasa (Mission Level: 58): Ii Naomasa is fought during “The Red Oni Of The Ii” side mission. If you have trouble with him, buy the “Spearfall” skill for the spear. Use the spear in high stance and spam Spearfall when your KI is at max. Always wait for your KI to hit max so you have enough left to dodge away in case you miss. When you land the Spearfall attack, it will knock him down. You can then perform a ground finisher for massive damage. Repeat this a few times to quickly kill him. If you do not have that skill, you may want to return later when you have it unlocked. Not only is this fight easier with it, but practically any human sized enemies are very weak to it.


15. Nue Of Mount Hiei (Mission Level: 62): Nue Of Mount Hiei is fought during “The Demon Of Mount Hiei” main mission. This is an optional Boss and you will get the “Nue Slayer” trophy for defeating her. Unlike other Bosses, it does not display a health bar at the bottom of the screen. It is the exact same Boss as Nue in the earlier “The Spirit Stone Slumbers” main mission. The exact same stratgies apply. Use a spear in low stance. Wait for Nue to breathe lightning or poison at you. Then, quickly dodge to the left of her head (always the left so she cannot hit you), and attack with quick low stance attacks. While Nue breathes lightning, she is defenseless and will sit around. When you do enough damage, her KI depletes and she will be vulnerable for a few seconds. Follow up with your Guardian Spirit and she will not be able to recover from her downed state. Also, use the nearby hotspring before the fight to automatically refill your health.


16. White Tiger (Mission Level: 62): The White Tiger is fought during “The Demon Of Mount Hiei” main mission. Always dodge behind him and attack from behind. He is relatively fast — so use low stance to dodge more efficiently. He does not have much health. One use of your living weapon should finish him off when he drops below 40% health. Also, use the nearby hotspring before the fight to automatically refill your health.


17. Giant Toad (Mission Level: 70): The Giant Toad is fought during “The Iga Escape” main mission. His attacks are extremely powerful but slow (can one-hit kill you). Use low stance with your favorite weapon. Dodge behind him and perform a few hits. He will then jump in the air and smash down again. Dodge away as soon as he jumps. When he is preparing for a spear attack, dodge to him to attack. Try to get to his back again so he repeats the same jump move. He always does the jump when you stay at his back for a few seconds. When his health is low, he begins throwing explosives at you. Just keep using the strategy from earlier and dodge to him when he is about to attack — so he will miss you if you time it right. Use the living weapon when he drops below 30% health. You can also use ranged weapons (bow/rifle) to inflict some decent damage.


18. Marume Nagayoshi (Mission Level: 65): Marume Nagayoshi is fought during “The Way Of The Warrior: Veteran” dojo mission. Use the same strategy as in the Adept version of this mission. Either use the Triangle attack of mid stance spear when he gets close and spam it to deplete his guard, or use the “Spearfall” skill in high stance. Spearfall will instantly knock him to the ground and you can perform a finisher for massive damage. Repeat this move on him to quickly kill him. If you use the Spearfall skill method, wait for your KI to fully recharge before attacking. In case you miss, you will then have enough KI left to dodge away. If you do not have the Spearfall skill, focus on depleting his KI and breaking his guard. You can then knock him to the ground and perform the finisher.


19. Hattori Hanzo (Mission Level: 65): Hattori Hanzo is fought during “The Way Of The Ninja: Veteran” dojo mission. Use the same strategy as in the Adept version of this mission. Use dual katanas in low stance. Dodge behind him when he attacks. Then, go full aggro on him to break his weak guard, and perform a finisher with Triangle. Repeat this to quickly defeat him.


20. Onryoki (Mission Level: 70): Onryoki is fought during the “Greater Demon Hunting” side mission. You will have already encountered him twice at this point in the game. Use the same strategy as before. Use low stance with any desired weapon, and dash behind him when he attacks. Get a few hits in, then block. He will whirl around with his chain when you attack from behind. Blocking does void the damage (stay close to his back). Do not dodge away when behind him. While in low stance, you are much more agile and the quick attacks give similar DPS as strong attacks at increased KI recovery.


21. Ogress (Mission Level: 78): Ogress is fought during the “Memories Of Death-Lilies” mission. Her attack patterns are very similar to Onryoki. Use your favorite weapon in low stance for quick dashes. Run in front/dodge away from her to let your KI fully recharge. When she attacks, dash to the left and attack her from the side (make sure you dodge to the left, as she has a harder time hitting you on this side). Perform some quick hits, dash away, and repeat. Do not attack her for too long because she will jump in the air and smash down for some massive damage. It is safer to back off and perform just a few short hits. She will then get stuck in repeating the same cycle of attacks. Once her health gets low, she uses long distance jumps that can be a bit tricky. She will redirect in the air so even if you dodge she sometimes lands on you and does massive damage. Keep a few health potions for the end or use the living weapon when she drops below 25% health.


22. Honda Tadakatsu (Mission Level: 87): Honda Tadakatsu is fought during “The Defiled Castle” main mission. He is very easy to kill. Simply destroy the three purple crystals around the arena to instantly kill him. Use a living weapon for it to only take a few seconds.


23. Okatsu (Mission Level: 87): Okatsu is fought during “The Defiled Castle” main mission. Her attacks are very quick but weak. After dodging one of her combos, use a spear in mid stance against her. Break her guard using strong attacks (press Triangle), then perform a finisher on the ground. Use very light armor and the Kato Spirit to recharge KI quickly. When she is cornered, you can spam strong attacks until her guard breaks. Alternatively, if you have the “Spearfall” skill unlocked (high stance), spam it on her. She has trouble blocking it and will immediately get knocked to the ground where you can follow up with a finisher. When she starts glowing yellow, she will be vulnerable for a few seconds — so run towards her and attack immediately.


24. Giant Toad (Mission Level: 91): The Giant Toad is fought during “The Giant Frog Brawl” side mission. You have already fought this Boss once before during “The Iga Escape” main mission. Use the same strategy as before. His attacks are extremely powerful but slow (can one-hit kill you). Use low stance with your favorite weapon. Dodge behind him and perform a few hits. He will then jump in the air and smash down again. Dodge away as soon as he jumps. When he is preparing for a spear attack, dodge to him to attack. Try to get to his back again so he repeats the same jump move. He always does the jump when you stay at his back for a few seconds. When his health is low, he begins throwing explosives at you. Just keep using the strategy from earlier and dodge to him when he is about to attack — so he will miss you if you time it right. Use the living weapon when he drops below 30% health. You can also use ranged weapons (bow/rifle) to inflict some decent damage.


25. Honda Tadakatsu (Mission Level: 93): Honda Tadakatsu is fought during “The Champion Of The East” side mission. This fight is very different from your first encounter because you can no longer instantly kill him with the purple crystals. This time it is a real fight. A very easy tactic is to use a spear in high stance with the “Spearfall” skill. Press Square, Triangle to attack (press Square only once). Use this move after dodging an attack or when he slowly walks towards you. It will instantly knock him on the ground, allowing you to perform a finisher for massive damage. Repeat this a few times to quickly kill him.


26. Saika Magoichi (Mission Level: 96): Saika Magoichi is fought during the “Immortal Flame” main mission. He is a very skillful Boss with quick attacks that can kill you in one combo. Use dual katanas in low stance — they do not inflict much damage but are the fastest at dodging and consume the least KI. The quick strikes in low stance can even push Saika into the flames around the area, dealing extra fire damage. You need a lot of KI and quick KI recovery speed. The best moments to attack are after he jump-dashes towards you and misses, when he stops flying and comes back to the ground, and when he spawns his bird. Always make sure you have some KI left to dodge away. Do not use all your KI when attacking him. End your attack just before you run out of KI so you have enough left for 2-3 dodges. Otherwise, he can easily kill you with one combo. When he is flying in the air, dash towards him and block the attacks. Once he comes down, you are in a good position to attack. A living weapon helps a lot, as it inflicts a lot of damage and immediately knocks him out of the air. With one living weapon use, you can take down half his health bar.


27. Hino-enma (Mission Level: 92): Hino-enma is fought during “The Silent Crow” side mission. You already fought her during the “Deep In The Shadows” main mission. Use the same strategy as before. Her ranged attack is the most dangerous because it paralyzes you and then she can one-hit you if you are not careful. Always dodge to the side when she performs it. Try to stay just a few meters/yards away from her. When she attacks, dodge away from her. When she finishes her combo (and missed you), perform a few quick hits. The spear works best since it can hit her from far away. Jump away again, wait for her to miss a combo, counter-attack, and repeat. She does not have much health but is very quick. Remember to dodge to the side on all her ranged attacks.


28. Otani Yoshitsugu (Mission Level: 103): Otani Yoshitsugu is fought during the “Sekigahara” main mission. Most of his attacks are weak and easy to dodge. The only time he gets dangerous is when his swords turn blue. You then have to deplete his KI (by attacking) to return him to normal form. While they are blue, he can one-hit kill you with some powerful projectiles. Use low stance during this part so you can dodge better. For the rest of the fight, you can also use low stance or mid stance (spear is recommended). Dodge behind him when he is attacking and perform a few hits. Attack from behind while he is stunned for increased damage. You also cannot use grapples/finishers on him.


29. Shima Sakon (Mission Level: 103): Shima Sakon is fought during the “Sekigahara” main mission. He uses a spear and likes to do the leg sweep move. Dodge behind him or stay several meters/yards in front of him (blocking) to wait for one of his attacks to miss. Then, attack with any desired weapon and repeat. Using the spear in mid stance with the “Pole Kick” skill works well. Press Square(3), Triangle and repeat until you are out of KI. You can spam this combo on him. If one strike connects, he will not block and you can just keep spamming these buttons. Make sure to use the Pole Kick, otherwise he will start blocking again. After dealing a certain amount of damage, he will activate his living weapon. At this point, always dodge behind him and do not try to block. To deactivate his weapon, you must deplete his KI by attacking. Always dodge when he attacks and perform 1-2 hits from behind until he gets stunned. You can then spam the Pole Kick combo again.


30. Gasha-dokuro (Mission Level: 111): Gasha-dokuro is fought during “The Source Of Evil” main mission. If you know what to do, he is easy to defeat. Before the fight begins, interact with all three red crystals around the Boss area. The mage at the start of the mission gives you an item that turns the crystals orange. They then reveal glowing spots that recharge your living weapon, which help a lot with the Boss. Gasha-dokuro has weak spots on his hands and feet. Destroying a weak spot causes him to rest his head on the mountain. Immediately rush to the top of the hill and attack his head. Repeat this 3-4 times to kill him. Activate the living weapon for extra damage. When you stand in glowing spots, your living weapon auto-recharges over time, as long as you activated the three crystals before the fight. He is also weak to wind damage — so use a wind based living weapon.


31. Saika Magoichi (Mission Level: 115): Saika Magoichi is fought during “The Watcher In Darkness” side mission. You had to fight him a few missions earlier. Use the same strategy as before. He is a very skillful Boss with quick attacks that can kill you in one combo. Use dual katanas in low stance — they do not inflict much damage but are the fastest at dodging and consume the least KI. The quick strikes in low stance can even push Saika into the flames around the area, dealing extra fire damage. You need a lot of KI and quick KI recovery speed. The best moments to attack are after he jump-dashes towards you and misses, when he stops flying and comes back to the ground, and when he spawns his bird. Always make sure you have some KI left to dodge away. Do not use all your KI when attacking him. End your attack just before you run out of KI so you have enough left for 2-3 dodges. Otherwise, he can easily kill you with one combo. When he is flying in the air, dash towards him and block the attacks. Once he comes down, you are in a good position to attack. A living weapon helps a lot, as it inflicts a lot of damage and immediately knocks him out of the air. With one living weapon use, you can take down half his health bar.


32. Ishida Mitsunari (Mission Level: 120): Ishida Mitsunari is fought during the “A Defiled Holy Mountain” main mission. He shoots some wind-elemental projectiles and uses sword attacks. Dodge his wind projectiles, as they cannot be blocked. When he attacks with the sword, dodge behind him and attack for 1-2 seconds, then dodge away and repeat. The spear in mid stance works well. Use the strong attacks (Triangle) since they will easily hit him and quickly deplete his KI. When he has no KI remaining, just keep attacking him, as he will not strike back as long as you have KI remaining. Sometimes he gets knocked on the floor and you can perform a finisher for extra damage. If you powered up a living weapon, keep it for when he has less than 25% health remaining to finish him off (ideally when he comes out of KI depletion since he will not be able to attack).


33. Obsidian Samurai (Mission Level: 127): Obsidian Samurai is fought during “The Samurai From Sawayama” main mission. Use a spear in mid stance. Run or dodge away and wait for him to miss an attack. Then, use a strong spear attack (press Triangle in mid stance). After landing 1-3 hits, dodge away and repeat. When he uses dual katanas, the attacks are harder to dodge. You may want to keep a living weapon for this part or just wait for him to use the axe again. The axe is slow and easier to dodge.


34. Oda Nobunaga (Mission Level: 135): Oda Nobunaga is fought during “The Demon King Revealed” main mission. The fight ends automatically in a cutscene when his health drops below 25%. He uses a sword and many types of elemental magic to enhance his weapon. Use a spear in mid stance and dodge all his attacks. After dodging, attack 2-3 times with strong attacks (Triangle). This will drain his KI very quickly and you can follow up with a powerful finisher. When he performs a sword dash, dodge behind him. For all other attacks, dodge away from him, allow him to miss, then hit him with the spear 2-3 times. When his KI is very low, keep attacking to break his guard.


35. Kelley (Mission Level: 135): Kelley is fought during “The Demon King Revealed” main mission. He is very easy to kill when you constantly deplete his KI. Just keep attacking him with a spear in mid stance (press Triangle). When he blocks (red shield in front of him), dodge away. He always follow up with a grapple after blocking your attacks. When he misses, you can attack again. Sometimes he spawns the snake spirit and it comes flying towards you. Run away until it disappears. He will also sometimes use sword attacks, but they are not too dangerous. When you keep attacking him with the spear, he will always be out of KI and hardly get a chance to do anything. Perform grapples/ground finishers when he has no KI remaining.


36. Yagyu Sekishusai (Mission Level: 100): Yagyu Sekishusai is an optional dojo Boss fought during the “Zen And Sword Are One” (Sword Mystic Art Quest) mission. To unlock his “Zen And Sword Are One” dojo mission, reach 500,000 proficiency with swords and complete the “Immortal Flame” main mission. Weapon proficiency can quickly be farmed after completing the story by playing New Game+ level 180 missions, where enemies give more proficiency. Complete the fight to unlock the Mystic Art for the sword and get the “Sword Master” trophy. In this fight, you both have a katana. Run a few meters/yards in front of him until your KI is fully recharged. Then, allow him to attack, and dash behind him. Get a few quick hits in and repeat. You can also inflict lots of damage by breaking his guard and performing ground finishers. Or block his attacks until his KI is low and throw some heavy attacks at him (you may get hit more often using this method).


37. Ashikaga Yoshiteru (Mission Level: 100): Ashikaga Yoshiteru is an optional dojo Boss fought during “The Grimmest Blades” (Dual Swords Mystic Art Quest) mission. To unlock his “The Grimmest Blades” dojo mission, reach 500,000 proficiency with dual swords and complete the “Immortal Flame” main mission. Weapon proficiency can quickly be farmed after completing the story by playing New Game+ level 180 missions, where enemies give more proficiency. Complete the fight to unlock the Mystic Art for the dual swords and get the “Dual Sword Master” trophy. In this fight, you both have two katanas. An easy tactic is to block all his attacks until his KI is low. Then, perform some quick attacks to deplete his KI completely and do a ground finisher. Repeat this 3-4 times to quickly kill him. His attacks do not cost much KI to block, but if you did not put much skill in KI, you may instead want to dodge behind him. His strong attacks are easy to dodge and his quick ones inflict very little damage.


38. Hozoin Inei (Mission Level: 100): Hozoin Inei is an optional dojo Boss fought during the “Steel Across Steel” (Sword Mystic Art Quest) mission. To unlock his “Steel Across Steel” dojo mission, reach 500,000 proficiency with spears and complete the “Immortal Flame” main mission. Weapon proficiency can quickly be farmed after completing the story by playing New Game+ level 180 missions, where enemies give more proficiency. Complete the fight to unlock the Mystic Art for the spear and get the “Spear Master” trophy. In this fight, you both have a spear. Either hit him using mid stance strong attacks (Triangle) to deplete his KI, then perform ground finishers. Or if you have the “Spearfall” skill, spam it on him. A successful Spearfall move will instantly put him on the ground, allowing you to perform a powerful finisher. Perform 3-4 ground finishers to kill him. Try to keep him on the bridge so he does not have much room to dodge your attacks.


39. Sakata Kintoki (Mission Level: 100): Sakata Kintoki is an optional dojo Boss fought during “The Invincible” (Axe Mystic Art Quest) mission. To unlock his “The Invincible” dojo mission, reach 500,000 proficiency with the axe and complete the “Immortal Flame” main mission. Weapon proficiency can quickly be farmed after completing the story by playing New Game+ level 180 missions, where enemies give more proficiency. Complete the fight to unlock the Mystic Art for the axe and get the “Axe Master” trophy. In this fight, you both have an axe. Always dodge behind him (to the left when facing him so the axe swings do not hit you). Then, perform a quick combo in low stance and use KI pulse to recover KI completely. Repeat this until he is defeated. He is very slow and easy to dodge.


40. Shisenin Kosen (Mission Level: 100): Shisenin Kosen is an optional dojo Boss and fought during the “A Clash Of Sickles” (Kusarigama Mystic Art Quest) mission. To unlock his “A Clash Of Sickles” dojo mission, reach 500,000 proficiency with the Kusarigama and complete the “Immortal Flame” main mission. Weapon proficiency can quickly be farmed after completing the story by playing New Game+ level 180 missions, where enemies give more proficiency. Complete the fight to unlock the Mystic Art for the Kusarigama and get the “Kusarigama Master” trophy. In this fight, you both have a Kusarigama. Try to deplete his KI and perform grapples or ground finishers for massive damage. Repeat this a few times to kill him. It is a very easy fight.


41. Derrick The Executioner (Hidden Boss): During the final main mission, “The Queen’s Eyes” (Omi region), you can revisit the first Boss of the game. He is hidden in a different location this time. At the second shrine of this mission (the one closest to the Derrick Boss fight in the Prologue), go downstairs to find him in the basement. He is very easy to kill at this point in the game. Stay far away so he uses a dash attack. Then, dodge to the side and attack for three seconds. Dodge away after three seconds or else he will turn around and hit you. Repeat the process a few times to defeat him. When he performs his dash, dodge to the side, attack 2-3 times, dodge away, and repeat. Defeat him to get the “End Times” trophy.


42. Yamata-no-Orochi (Mission Level: 135): Yamata-no-Orochi is the final story Boss and fought during “The Demon King Revealed” main mission. There are still Bosses after him, but defeating him results in the ending cutscene. He is a huge hydra. Each head has a different elemental effect, but they all do the same moves. The fight takes place on a rooftop and all around the roof are hydra heads. You must destroy each head. Find the sweet spot where the hydra head cannot hit you but is still trying to attack. Roughly 15-20 meters/yards is a good distance. When the head moves, it is about to attack — so run away. If, and only when, the attack fails, you can attack the head. Quickly run to it and attack in high stance for maximum damage. A lot of the attacks cannot be blocked — so focus on running and dodging. Go clockwise, killing one hydra head after the other (order: wind, water, lightning, fire, earth). This way you never get trapped between two heads. To your left will always be an open spot. After the fight, you will get the “Divine Obtainer” trophy and your first divine items, which are extremely powerful endgame gear.


43. Hundred Eyes (Mission Level: 145): Hundred Eyes is the true end-Boss and fought during “The Queen’s Eyes” main mission. After the Yamata-no-Orochi game ending, you will unlock “The Queen’s Eyes” mission. This is basically the epilogue and takes place in London far away from the rest of the story. At the end of this mission, you fight the last unique main Boss in the game. Always attack him from behind. When you stay in front, he uses lots of laser attacks and projectiles. When you are behind, he sometimes swipes his tentacles around the floor, but it can be blocked. Over the course of the fight, he summons laser eyes that shoot at you but they die in one hit. Keep your living weapon for when he sits down to summon laser eyes the second time. Then, go full aggro on him and he should die. His most dangerous attack is when he shoots crystals at you. Those can instantly kill you. Run in a large circle 10-15 meters/yards away from him and they will miss you. Make sure to use magic buffs or enhance your weapon with an element (for example, fire to deal extra damage over time). Destroying his small laser eyes recharges your living weapon. During the first wave of laser eyes, keep one alive and attack the Boss instead. He will just sit around and take your damage. If you destroy all eyes, he will immediately get up to fight you.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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