Nioh: Reset Your Character's Skills Points and Attributes Guide - Magic Game World

Nioh: Reset Your Character’s Skills Points and Attributes Guide

Nioh Reset Your Character's Skills Points and Attributes Guide

Respec character

To reset your character’s skill points and attributes, complete the following steps:


1. On the world map, go to “Starting Point” – “Blacksmith” – “Buy And Sell” – “Buy” – “Item” – “Book Of Reincarnation”.


2. Buy the “Book Of Reincarnation” item for 10,000 gold. It allows you to reset skill points and Amrita so you can respec your character.


3. Open the storehouse (at “Starting Point” on map), press L3 to switch to inventory, and go to “Usable Items” – “Book Of Reincarnation” – “Use”.


4. You will now get all your Amrita back and can reallocate attribute points at the shrine, as well as Ninja Skill points, Ninjutsu, and magic.


The Book Of Reincarnation cannot be used during missions. You must complete the first two story missions to gain access to the world map and blacksmith. The world map is the screen where you choose your next mission. The price of the book increases with each purchase (10,000 – 30,000 – 100,000 – 300,000, 1,000,000 gold). Alternatively, you can get the Book Of Reincarnation from missions (found in hard to reach places or mission rewards). It can also be traded in the hidden teahouse for 800 glory. The price in the hidden teahouse increases with every purchase as well. You can reset your skill points as many times as desired — as long as you have the money/glory for it.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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