Norland - Battle Calculation and Bleeding Mechanics - Magic Game World

Norland – Battle Calculation and Bleeding Mechanics

Norland - Battle Calculation and Bleeding Mechanics

Battle Calculation

In battle, characters take turns attacking each other.


Depending on the attacker’s weapon and the defender’s armor, different-sized packets of “tickets” are thrown into a figurative “bag,” and one ticket is drawn from this bag – this is the result of the attack.


For example; a dagger adds 10 “cut” tickets to the bag, while light armor adds 10 “blocked by armor” tickets. Thus, there will be a 50% (10:10) chance that the attack will hit the target and the defender will receive a cut. Heavy armor adds a packet of 30 “attack blocked” tickets to the bag so the chance of a cut in this case will be significantly lower.


Additionally, the difference between the Combat skill of the fighting characters adds a proportional number of “dodged attack” tickets to the bag.


These tickets include not only wounds or parrying attacks but also weapon & armor damage, and stun.




  • Typically occurs as a result of wounds caused by cutting or piercing weapons.


  • Instances of minor bleeding add up, becoming moderate and then severe bleeding, which can culminate in death.


  • The character can apply self-treatment or be aided by others using improvised means to stop the bleeding.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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