Norland - Characters - Magic Game World

Norland – Characters

Norland - Characters


Your city often receives visitors from neighboring cities.


  • Usually, guests have different plans during their visit: some just want to socialize and play dice, some seek sexual adventures, and some want to bribe your lords, turn them against each other, or even kidnap one of them.


  • If a neighboring king comes, this is a good chance to improve relations between your rulers.


  • Find out how you can interact with them by looking at the options in their Character menu.


  • Guests can also give lessons for a small fee paid in Rings.




Unemployed peasants can either leave your city or stay and turn to crime.


  • Vagabonds will steal flour from warehouses, rob citizens on the streets, and even break into other peasants’ homes. After a few days, they may become cutthroats.


  • To combat crime:


Deploy guards to protect your settlement.


Build Scaffolds to punish criminals.


Terrorize the population to inspire obedience out of fear.


…Or simply prevent peasants from being unhappy in the first place.




This character is addicted to consuming Nectar.


  • While Nectar is active, the character moves faster, their skills are boosted by 3, and dependent workers produce 30% more efficiently.


  • The character begins to experience a strong craving for Nectar every day.


  • This is accompanied by intense negative thought and physical pain, which intensifies each day until the character consumes it.


  • Immediately after consumption, there is a chance that the dependent will go into a rage and attack the nearest character. Over time, this probability increases.


  • Dependents can be identified by a blindfold, as they develop a high sensitivity to light.



Combating Addiction:

  • If a dependent lord has a nervous breakdown, there is a small chance that the character will decide to overcome this harmful habit.


  • Another way to deal with lordly addiction is to limit the character’s consumption of Nectar in the Dynasty menu and hope that the addiction will pass in a few days.




  • You manage a family of lords who live in this city (red clothes). Their portraits are shown at the top.


  • You can give your lords tasks by assigning them through the ACTION or MANAGEMENT button in the Character and Building menus, respectively.


  • Lords will not perform your tasks if they are unhappy. Check their thoughts, needs, and desires to maintain their mood.


Hint: One lord can be appointed to manage multiple buildings.




You can kidnap a guest who’s rising in your province or order the kidnapping of a lord from a neighboring province. In the first case, you will violate the law of hospitality, and this will greatly worsen relations with all neighbors, not only with the king of the house to which the hostage belongs.


  • The hostage can be assigned to almost any tasks in the city, except for military ones.


  • When captured, the hostage’s loyalty is set to -100, but if you raise it to 0, they will agree to stay in your noble house.


  • If the hostage is unhappy, they will try to escape. You can eliminate this option by blinding them, but this will greatly limit their capabilities.


  • As a rule, the king of the kidnapped person sets a reward for his return.


  • Unfriendly kings and various criminals may also try to kidnap your lords to ransom them off for gold.




When the Loving Family considers your settlement big enough, they send a bishop to you.


  • Using the action button on Character menus, your lords can confess to the bishop to remove their sins as well as perform other religious actions.


  • The bishop can provoke a religious uprising if he quarrels with any of your lords. Be sure to please him.


  • The Matriarch places great weight on your local Bishop’s opinion about your king.


  • If the bishop dies of unnatural causes, you will be punished.




Cutthroats are the most dangerous and highly armed criminals. They can steal Gold, Rings, and Books, as well as kidnap lords themselves. Cutthroats may perform other tasks for unfriendly neighbors.


  • Ordinary vagabonds develop into cutthroats over time or as a result of observing executions. They do not differ in appearance from regular vagabonds.


  • They are armed with daggers, which they can make themselves.


  • Unlike vagabonds, cutthroats can attack lords in addition to peasants.


  • Cutthroats in your province might be bribed by unfriendly neighbors to carry out nefarious tasks against your noble family.


Hint: Don’t forget to protect your lords! Place a Patrol Banner near their homes through the Construction menu (Army submenu).




Any character can become an agnostic.


  • There is a higher chance for happy characters and those who have listened to a Sermon of Doubt at the Temple to become agnostics.


  • Agnostics maintain a constant negative thought.


  • However, all thoughts related to piety are 3 times weaker.




Prisoners are warriors captured in battle or former vagabonds who have been punished for their crimes. They require special handling.


  • Prisoners work 3 hours longer than free peasants, which increases productivity.


  • They do not require payment in Gold. Just set their consumption limits in the Finance menu.


  • Prisoners live in Prison Wards. Knowledge of Keeping prisoners is required for its construction.


  • Prisoners, especially the unhappy ones, sometimes attempt to escape. Place patrols near the Prison Wards and their workplaces.


  • Unhappy prisoners can initiate a riot.


  • A freed prisoner experiences great joy in freedom and may become a brave warrior.




These are characters who are primarily devoted to Mother Sofia. Anyone can become a fanatic.


  • Fanatics have a constant positive thought and also derive pleasure from pain, considering it a means of communion with Mother Sofia.


  • Fanatics can initiate an uprising if they remain unhappy. They can also be utilized by the bishop.


  • Peasant fanatics will be willing to enlist in your army if the king receives a blessing.


  • Fanatics will be greatly distressed if they cannot participate in the morning service, so it’s important to ensure an adequate number of Temples.


  • Loyalists cannot become fanatics.


Hint: To increase the number of fanatics, reduce the average happiness of peasants (through decreased consumption or wages) and conduct sermons in the Temple.



Freelance Lord

Lords who left or were disowned from their family and did not join another. They arrive with the Holy Caravans and can be hired with Holy Rings.


  • While waiting to be hired, they stand at the entrance of your Hall.


  • The contract will last for ten days, after which the lord will leave.


  • Freelance lords can be assigned any tasks – teaching, going on campaigns against bandits, managing buildings, facilitating trade, and more.


  • If a hired lord becomes friends with your king, you will be able to invite them into your family and grant them a title.




A character between 0 and 13 years old.


  • The child learns quickly by observing adults, improving some skills each day at random.


  • All characters under 21 years old gain twice as much experience from lessons.


  • Children can acquire positive or negative personality traits during their upbringing.


  • The more educational attention they receive, the better personality traits a child will develop.


  • From the age of 6, children are capable of reading and transcribing books.




  • Characters in green clothing are called peasants. They do most of the work in buildings.


  • You cannot directly control them, but you can take care of their mood to maintain migration.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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