Norland: King Abilities and Dynamics - Magic Game World

Norland: King Abilities and Dynamics

Norland: King Abilities and Dynamics


The head of your noble house. Wears a golden crown.


  • Only the king can reward, threaten, and perform other special actions, the effectiveness of which depends on their personal skills.


  • Holy Rings stored in the king’s inventory are his property and reflect the number of rings in his possession. Therefore, when you purchase Rings from the Caravan, spend them on free lords, or give them away as tribute, they are added to or removed from the king’s inventory.


  • The relationships between kings of different noble houses directly determine the diplomatic relations between their two kingdoms.


Norland: King Abilities and Dynamics


  • When you send a messenger to other settlements, the message is sent on behalf of your king, and the effectiveness of these messages therefore depends on the king’s skills.


  • An important skill for the king is Persuasion. Pay attention to this when raising your heir.


  • Other kings are biased against women on the throne. Additionally, a queen cannot officially marry (as the bride must go to the groom’s house in Norland), and any children will be bastards. On the other hand, with developed Manners, a queen can manipulate kings through seduction.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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