Norland - Maximizing Building Efficiency and Productivity - Magic Game World

Norland – Maximizing Building Efficiency and Productivity

Norland - Maximizing Building Efficiency and Productivity

The productivity of buildings can be increased by methods other than the skill of the managing lord.


  • Upgrading a building not only provides additional workspace but also increases productivity significantly. Two level 1 Breweries will brew beer more slowly than just one level 2 Brewery.


Norland - Maximizing Building Efficiency and Productivity


  • Indirect productivity increases can be achieved by efficient placement of workplaces. Since everyone congregates at the Temple in the morning, all day-laborers will have to walk from the Temple to their work site; likewise, many workers have to visit a Warehouse before they can begin working to transform raw goods into higher-level products. Thus, the locations of these two buildings can have a big impact on the total time workers actually spend at work, resulting in more product produced each day.


  • Prisoners work longer than regular peasants – instead of stopping at 6:00 in the evening, they will stop at 9:00.


  • Loyalists and workers under the influence of nectar work much faster, producing more product in the same amount of work time compared to other workers.


  • Finally, workers of certain cultures have productivity bonuses when they work in jobs associated with the expertise of their culture. For example, all Makha will work faster in the Brewery due to their greater cultural investment in brewing techniques.


You can prioritize which workers will be hired in the production building in the building menu. By default, automatic mode will try to select the best composition of workers available, but you may want to make more granular adjustments for each worksite to speed up specific productions.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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